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它的动机是好的。Its motives are benign.

小管状腺瘤本质上常是良性的。Small ones are virtually always benign.

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可卡因和安非他明就不那么良性了。Cocaine and amphetamines are less benign.

犬的组织细胞瘤是一种良性肿瘤。A histiocytoma in the dog is a benign tumor.

结论IP是有一定增殖活性的良性肿瘤。Conclusion IP is a proliferous benign tumor.

脑垂体腺瘤属良性肿瘤。Pituitary adenomas belongs to benign tumors.

离大楼不远,就是碧波荡漾的大海。And out there was the benign and smiling sea.

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以致形成良性循环,薄利多销,向规模要效益。So a benign cycle, makes, the scale benefits.

医生告诉他患的瘤是良性的。The doctor who told him the tumor was benign.

良性肿瘤不会对你有致命的伤害。The benign tumor won't give you a deadly hurt.

吉卜力底盘上的精灵不全是好神。The spirits of Ghibli-land are not all benign.

良性肿瘤的治疗是摘除。The treatment of benign tumors is extirpation.

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大多数原发性骨肿瘤为良性。The most common primary bone tumors are benign.

良性的卵巢黄体膜囊肿。This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary.

这是一个良性的卵泡膜黄素囊肿。This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary.

食道脂肪瘤是罕见的良性肿瘤。Lipomas of the esophagus are rare benign tumors.

光滑,界限清楚的肿块通常是良性的。Smooth, well-demarcated lumps are usually benign.

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荨麻疹是最良性的形式过敏反应。Urticaria is the most benign form of anaphylaxis.

而另外几种形式的B.P.H.就不见得是良性的了。A more severe form of B.P.H. is not always benign.

这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。The action was so graceful and inclusively benign.