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期刊固有其自然性与社会性。The periodical has its naturality and sociality.

高职教育具有社会性和教育性。The higher vocational education possesses the sociality and edutainment.

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这表明,无论是在物种的分布还是物种间的交流都极为复杂。So this shows that there is complexity, not just in distribution but in sociality.

读写能力是大脑、人的社会性和交流技术的汇合。Literacies are where the human brain, human sociality and communication technologies meet.

民族关系具有特定内涵,是既具有社会性,又具有民族性的社会关系。Minzu relation has its own content, which is a social relation of sociality and ethnicity.

社会性才是人的本质属性,是人区别于动物的根本属性。Sociality is the human essential attribute is separate man from the animal's basic attribute.

高等学校产品具有无形性、社会性及消费对象多元性的基本特征。Higher product has the basic characteristics of intangibility, sociality and diversity of the consumer object.

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证券监管法律制度属于经济法的范畴,经济法的“社会性”本质同样是证券监管法律制度的本质。Stock supervision legal system belongs to the field of economic law. Sociality is the essence of economic law.

作为“类”存在,人只有由自然性、社会性向精神性发展、提升时,才能成为完善的人。As a species being, man can become perfect only when he develops fromnaturalness and sociality to spirituality.

上世纪80年代达德利求学时,植物也拥有社会性这种观点实际上成为科学家的一种“禁忌”。When Dudley was in school in the 1980s, the very idea of plant sociality was practically taboo among scientists.

换句话说,我,主观能动性,随着故事的展开,这声音逐渐地融入了,故事的社会性。In other words, the "I," the subjectivity, this is gradually subsumed by the sociality of the story as it unfolds.

这一主张过分强调了科学知识的社会性而忽视其客观普遍性。However, this study overemphasizes the sociality of the scientific knowledge but overlooks the objective universality.

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大量文献记载足以说明此时“重孝”之风的普遍性和社会性。A host of documental records clearly shows the universality and sociality of laying stress on filial piety at that time.

花卉图案的形象性、装饰性、感染性、社会性的特点决定了其在艺术领域的常青地位。Flower pattern's characteristics determine its evergreen status, such as the image, decoration, infection, and sociality.

资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality.

马克思关于人的本质的完整涵义是其意识性、创造性、社会性的有机统一。The integrated implication of human essence in Marxism is an organic unity of humans consciousness, creativeness and sociality.

时代性、历史性、相对独立性、民族性、多样性、社会性是思维方式的基本特征。Times, history, relatively independent character, nationalism, variety, and sociality is the fundamental trait of mode of thinking.

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非经济性薪酬包括员工的社会交往、参与决策、职业发展、文化认同等。Non-economic salary system comprises the staff's sociality , participating in decision-making, occupation development, acculturations etc.

社会性和时代性是思考创新型政党建设的两个理论维度。Sociality and characteristics of the times are two theoretical dimensions for thinking about the construction of innovation-oriented party.

惟现代民法从个人本位走向社会本位,公权力于民事主体行为有损社会公共利益时亦得直接介入。But the modern civil law tends to sociality and the public power will interfere in the personal actions when they damage the public interests.