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认识那个叫凯蒂的女孩吗?You know that girl Cady?

噢,上帝,他瞧上去真可爱好,集中注意力,凯蒂。Oh, God, he looked so cute. OK, focus, Cady.

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那你为什么还和莉贾娜鬼混呢凯蒂?So why are you still messing with Regina, Cady?

伊丽莎白凯迪斯坦顿和她的女儿哈里奥特。Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her daughter, Harriot, 1856.

她受到伊利莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿的鼓励,开始倡导妇女投票权。Encouraged by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she advocated women's suffrage.

凯蒂很快就混进了雷吉娜的假仙帮,而问题也在不久后出现。Cady soon infiltrates Regina's gang, and it isn't long until problems arise.

红宝石最终以两回合4-2的总比分将卡迪西亚淘汰出局。The ruby the Cady West Asia will be eliminated finally by two round 4-2 total scores.

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卡迪·斯坦顿的丈夫去世后,她对性别不平等的问题进行了更深层的研究。After her husband died, Cady Stanton deepened her analysis of inequality between the sexes.

首回合卫冕冠军浦和红宝石2-3不敌科威特杯赛冠军卡迪西亚。First round defending champion water's edge and ruby 2-3 not enemy Kuwait match champion Cady West Asia.

离婚所带有的道德色彩也逐渐消褪,要知道一个世纪前,伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿还把离婚称为“社会大地震”。And the stigma of divorce has long since faded. A century ago, Elizabeth Cady Stanton called it a “social earthquake.”

首回合,科威特卡迪西亚主场以3-2战胜日本浦和红宝石,使卫冕冠军逼上了梁山。First round, the Kuwaiti Cady West Asia main floor by 3-2 defeats the Japanese water's edge and the ruby, caused the defending champion to compel Liangshan.