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变成不纯洁的,世俗的。So it becomes both impure and profane.

猥亵的思想将导致渎神之举。Impure thoughts lead to profane actions.

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许多蕴藏量太小,质地太不纯。Many of the deposits are too small, too impure.

水不洁常会引起重病。Water that is impure often causes serious illness.

传统犹太教认为,狗是不洁之物。In traditional Judaism, dogs are considered impure.

揭发者们的目的多种多样千奇百怪,其中有些当然动机不纯。Leakers can have a variety of motives, some impure.

凡俗而不洁净的物,从来没有入过我的口。Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.

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纯净的盐不会失去味道,但不纯的盐则会。Pure salt will not lose its flavour, but impure salt will.

首先,正在燃烧的熏香是脏的。First of all, the incense that wasw being burned was impure.

不过,通过自我愉悦,她也可能变得“不洁”。However, she could also become "impure" by pleasuring herself.

彼得却说,主阿,这是不可的,凡俗物,和不洁净的物,我从来没有吃过。Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

正如苏格拉底所总结的,污秽不会拥有纯洁As Socrates puts it at one point, "The impure cannot attain the pure."

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但神已经指示我,无论什么人,都不能看作俗而不洁净的。But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean.

接纳一条受污染的河流而不自污,你必须是大海。One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure.

我们必须是大海,才能接受一条污流而不致变污。One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure.

女人一经诱惑就会放弃忠诚而行为不检。If tempted any woman will, for sure, give up her faithfulness and act impure.

第三天若再吃,这就为可憎恶的,必不蒙悦纳。If any of it is eaten on the third day, it is impure and will not be accepted.

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比如,我十几岁的时候,在给别人当保姆看小孩时看的那些特垃圾的女人杂志,我看的这些电视节目和电影,在我脑子里的这些不纯洁的想法,还有我受到的诱惑。The TV shows and movies I've chosen to watch. The impure thoughts I've indulged.

彼得却说,主阿,这是不可的,凡俗物,和不洁净的物,我从来没有吃过。Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

我说,主阿,这是不可的。凡俗而不洁净的物,从来没有入过我的口。I replied, 'Surely not, Lord! Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'