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什么时候第一次上场检验?Il primo test sul campo?

警方仍然在寻找他的其他同伙。Police are still looking for his primo buddies.

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多年来,这个物种一直被认为是恐龙的祖先。For years, this genus enjoyed primo dinosaur status.

经过一个晚上的事情改变他抢断由一个律师的房子一普里莫1965雷鸟。Things change one night after he steals a primo 1965 Thunderbird from a lawyer's house.

而酒店则堪称一些离奇事件的第一高发地——轰动一时的谋杀案、吸毒过量以及自杀案件。Hotels are primo spots for dubious deeds—including big-time murders, overdoses, and suicides.

齐佐拉看到普里莫国王只尝了一小口汤,而其他客人都在大口大口地喝着。Zizola watched as King Primo took only one sip of his soup while the other guests gulped25 theirs down.

我所展示的这些与政治的联系,看起来在里维拉政权下逐渐正式化和官方化。These political linkages, as I hope to demonstrate, seemed to grow increasingly formalised and official during the regime of Primo de Rivera.

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双友公司始终坚持“质量第一、信誉第一、客户至上、互利双赢”的经营宗旨,以一流的产品为客户提供优质的服务。Our company Perseveres in "Quality first, Credit Standing primo and Customer supreme ", we provide our customers with excellent service, and first-class products.

普里莫列维在他的回忆录里把这一点讲得很清楚,尽管在战俘营里有成群的人和他在一起,但是每一个人都是生活在一个特殊的故事里,每个故事都有其细微但明确的细节。Primo Levi makes it clear in his memoirs that although hordes of people were with him in the prison camp, each one was living a special story, with slight but defining nuances.

青岛中集始终坚持“质量第一、信誉第一、客户至上”的经营宗旨,以科学的管理、一流的产品为客户提供优质的服务。Persisting in the principle of "quality first, credit standing primo and customer supreme", we have been providing our customers with first-class products and excellent service.

哈塔米实施温和的对西方政策首先与他的成长过程有关,他是一位传统文化和现代文化共同塑造的高级知识分子。Hatami puts mild pair of Westpolitik primo into practice with his growing up process in relation to, he is one tradition culture and the senior intellectual that modern culture molds commonly.