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据悉,甜蜜素食用过多会伤肝。Consuming too much sodium cyclamate can harm the liver.

介绍了气相色谱法测定饮料中甜蜜素的过程与方法。The procedures of determining sodium cyclamate in beverages by gas chromatography are described.

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以火龙果为主要原料,以柠檬酸、白砂糖、甜蜜素、XC2型饮料悬浮剂等为辅料,研制火龙果果粒悬浮饮料。Pitaya, citric acid, sugar, sodium cyclamate and XC2 suspending agent were used to develop a suspended pulpy beverage.

介绍了应用毛细血管气相色谱法测定葡萄酒中甜蜜素的原理和具体测定方法。The principle and the specific method of cyclamate determination in wine by capillary gas chromatography are introduced.

该法简便、准确,稳定性好,适用于乳饮料中甜蜜素的测定。Gas chromatography method is simple, rapid and accurate. It can be applied to determine sodium cyclamate in milk beverages.

后来揭秘发现,原来是老鼠在连续几周内每天被喂入效性相当于800罐减肥苏打的甜精。It was later disclosed that the mice had been given the cyclamate equivalent of 800 cans of diet soda per day for several weeks.

并且,可根据市场需求,调配成低糖型、蜂蜜型、无糖型、甜蜜素型等类别。In addition, the beverage can be prepared to be of low-sugar, honey, sugar-free, sodium cyclamate and other types according to market demand.

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1969年做的一项甜精对老鼠影响的研究,致使自上世纪70年代以来,增甜剂可致癌就经常被作为头条新闻出现,这实在是一种误解。This is a misconception that has regularly shown up in news headlines since the 1970s because of a 1969 study on the effects of cyclamate on mice.

采用反相离子对高效液相色谱法快速分离和测定食品中的甜蜜素。A method of separation and quantitation of sodium cyclamate in foods by ion-pair reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography is described.

方法分析所用时间短,结果准确可靠,选择性好,适用于维生素C泡腾片中甜蜜素含量的检验。The method is reliable and accurate, and was applied to the determination of sodium cyclamate in Vitamin C effervescent tablets with satisfactory results.

试验中尝试用甜蜜素组合蔗糖作为甜味剂,研制出色泽清亮、香气宜人、清凉可口的低能量天然饮料。In the experiments, it was attempted to use the combined sweetener of sodium cyclamate and sugar to give a natural low-energy drink featured by bright colour, pleasant flavour and refreshing taste.