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公使发表这番长篇宏论的时候,斯鲁特一直咬着他那熄了火的烟斗。Slote was chewing on his cold pipe during the minister's tirade.

最后,她以这样一句话结束了她的长篇大论——“唉,我只希望有人愿意跟你上床。”She ended her tirade with, "I just want you to get laid someday." FML

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如果你只是重新安排了一下他们的工具栏,他们就会满嘴脏话地对你长篇指责。They launch into a tirade of obscenities if you just rearrange their toolbar.

让我们设想,如果另一个设计师遇上了那同一个客户而且有相同的遭遇。Let’s imagine if another designer had met this exact same client and suffered the same tirade.

但是布鲁金认为国王的行为不应该和‘鲁猴儿’的行为同等对待。But Brooking believes it does not deserve to be talked about in the same way as Rooney's tirade.

在一位飞行员发表了一通充满猥亵的激烈言论之后,西北航空被迫向乘客道歉。Northwest Airlines is apologizing to passengers after a pilot went on the obscenity-laden tirade.

上周,“胖墩”的主人平白无故和另一位遛狗人展开了激烈的口角。Last week, Chunky's human went into a violent tirade at another dog walker for no apparent reason.

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他的声音一直在我的脑中回荡,然后他继续进行着对我长篇大论的指责。Do you not know your royal destiny???” His voice echoed through my mind and he continued his tirade.

例如,你如果有一位脾气暴躁的上司,那么你一定不要成为他的发泄对象。For example, if you have a boss who tends to blow up, don't set yourself up to be the target of his tirade.

大会主席,吴邦国,在大会上上发表长篇反对西方式民主的演讲。The parliamentary chairman, Wu Bangguo, used the occasion to launch a lengthy tirade against Western-style democracy.

利物浦队长杰拉德认为,老贝上星期发飙后,全队受此刺激表现超级牛逼。Liverpool skipper Steven Gerrard has rated the team's reaction to manager Rafael Benitez's tirade last week as 'superb'.

在纽约降落之后,他通过机场的公共广播激动地发表了一通满是咒骂的长篇大论。just after his flight landed in New York City, he unleashed an expletive-laden tirade over the plane's public address system.

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这位蓝衣军团一号门将在尤文2比2被莱切逼平后表达了对球队现状的不满,随后有传闻说布冯将在本赛季结束后离开都灵城。The Azzurri No 1 unleashed an angry tirade during Juve's 2-2 draw with Lecce and there have been rumours that Buffon will quit Turin.

外界认为两件事的不同之处在于鲁小胖是朝着摄像机爆粗的,而天空体育恰好拍到了肯尼的暴怒。It is believed the Rooney incident is viewed differently as he aimed his tirade at the camera while Sky merely caught Dalglish swearing.

你有没有过这样的同事---你本来很中肯的言论被他一搅和,变成了对管理层的攻击,然后他又向上面打小报告?Have you ever had a coworker spin your half of a neutral conversation into a tirade against your management team and then report it to them?

艾尔顿在2004年领取一个歌曲创作奖时,发现麦当娜被提名最佳现场演出奖,随即对她大加批判。Collecting a song-writing award in 2004, he suddenly launched into a tirade against Madonna when he discovered she had been nominated for Best Live Act.

Wilson先生,一位北卡罗兰州维克森林大学的英语教授,书中他用了很大的笔墨,激烈反对这个国家过度沉迷于那“疯狂的极乐”之中。An English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Mr Wilson has crafted a tirade against the country's “wanton” embrace of “manic bliss”.

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当喜剧演员迈克尔·理查德斯几年前在一个喜剧俱乐部被一位美国黑人质问者搞得懊恼不安时,他用了一大段带种族侮辱色彩的话作回应。When comic Michael Richards was unnerved by an African American heckler at a comedy club several years ago, he responded with a racial-slur-laced tirade.

然而,官方决定似乎是他本人对全找面纱这种与伊斯兰教毫无关系的装扮的演说的另外一种版本。However, the official decision appears to be a watered-down version of his tirade against the full-face veil as a custom that had nothing to do with Islam.

她还以为是她的某位演员朋友装作唐纳德·特朗普耍她呢——所以她立刻开始慷慨激昂地臭骂那些“戴着蹩脚假发的混球资本家们”。She thought it was one of her actor friends pretending to be Donald Trump—so she immediately launched into a tirade on "scumbag capitalists with bad toupees."