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渔民们拉鱼网。The fishermen haul the net.

用象鼻虫把他的脚绑起来。Haul that weevil to his feet.

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搬运地毯和各种道具。V. to haul around rugs and props.

他们抓住杰克,把他拖到跟前。They grab Jake and haul him to his feet.

帮我把这些干草捆拖到谷仓里。Help me haul the hay bales into the barn.

你最好抓紧点儿时间,不然你就要迟到了。You'd better haul ass, or you'll be late.

唷吼,一起转航。扬起船旗!Yo ho, haul together Raise the colors high!

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唷吼,一起转航,扬起船旗。Yo ho, haul together, hoist the Colors high.

我能把她拽回来,那么她就回来啦。I can haul her back in, and there she is again.

用于托运材料和物品的滑动垫木。Wooden skids used to haul materials and supplies.

白天的时候,拖着这些书到处走太沉了。During the day they just felt too heavy to haul around.

它还能够长途短途运输的拖车。It also can haul a trailer for short-distance transport.

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那群渔民捕到一大网鱼,开心得不得了。The fishermen were delighted with their huge haul of fish.

你有没有小辆小货车来运输家具?Do you have a pickup truck you could use to haul furniture?

如果你在明尼苏达州戏弄臭鼬,你也可能会入狱。Tease a skunk in Minnesota, and they can haul you off to jail.

童子军队长说,这只是到湖边的短途旅行而已。The scoutmaster said that it was just a short haul to the lake.

这是双程铸造成了必不可少的形式。This is where the double haul form of casting becomes essential.

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不得为本工程项目搭建运料路或通路。No haul road or access route shall be constructed for the Project.

我们投掷长矛和其他武器,以一个纸板箱作目标。We haul spears and other weapons and a cardboard box for a target.

由于我加大了引擎的马力,这车还真能跑。My set of wheels can really haul because the engine's been souped up.