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铃响了,她的摩托艇。The motorboat rang her bell.

我们可以一路上乘摩托艇去。We can go all the way by motorboat.

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他的摩托艇在河上飞驰而过。His motorboat hurtled along the river.

汽油引擎推动汽船。A gasoline engine drives the motorboat.

他把摩托艇停泊在一个小港上。He havened his motorboat on a small harbour.

刚巧,有艘汽艇经过,拯救尚未逃生者。Happened, the vessel motorboat to save not escape.

一人二次破摩托艇全国纪录。One person broke the motorboat national record twice.

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小汽船的声音在远处逐渐消失。The sound of the motorboat faded away in the distance.

如果我是驾驶一艘汽艇上的话,那么我就希望它是最快的。If I'm on a motorboat then I want it to be the fastest.

克鲁索认识到他把小船造得太大了。Crusoe realized that he had make his motorboat much too large.

驾着摩托艇在海上乘风破浪的感觉,让他觉得很刺激。He finds it exciting to ride a motorboat through the sea waves.

人们也可以乘坐摩托艇或水上飞机去大陆旅游。People could also travel to the mainland by motorboat or water plane.

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富豪们通过摩托艇或者游艇抵达岛屿,享受与世隔绝的海景。Rich islands arrived by motorboat or yacht and enjoy the isolation of the sea.

当今世界上风行着摩托车、汽车、摩托艇和飞机等运动机械竞技活动。Mechanical athletics such as motorcycle, automobile and motorboat are popular in world today.

一艘汽艇以每小时20英里的速度,拖曳着尾波滑水玩家在水上滑行。A motorboat pulls the wakeboard rider through the water, traveling at around 20 miles an hour.

最终,朱平康以4297分夺得摩托艇花样赛一等奖。Finally, Zhu Pingkang, with a score of 4297, won the first prize in the synchronized motorboat racing.

她正驾驶着一艘充满未来气息的摩托快艇沿着加州海岸飞驰,一头金发在风中飘扬。Her blonde hair is flying in the wind as she races along the Californian coast in a futuristic-looking motorboat.

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三小时后,威廉夫妇将乘坐岛上的摩托艇及水上飞机返回耶洛奈夫。After three hours, the couple were collected from the island by a motorboat and flown by seaplane back to Yellowknife.

“我热爱大海,”安蒂瓦瑞说,“所以我喜欢用各种不同的方式来享受大海,无论是乘坐帆船还是乘坐汽艇。"I love the sea, " said Antivari, "and so I also love all of the different ways to enjoy the sea, whether by sail boat or by motorboat.

戴着一顶类似“喇叭”的帽子,赫本很喜欢在20世纪50年代早期在瑞士骑行摩托船。Wearing a peculiar hat that looks like a "Bugle" corn chip, Hepburn enjoys a motorboat ride on a lake in Switzerland in the early 1950s.