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今天是神奇的一天!Today was a wizardly day for me!

在我的职业生涯中,就多次碰到过它。I've run across these wizardly beasts a number of times in my career.

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其神奇特性在于可吸收大量的水并阻止水分蒸发。The wizardly behavior of SAR is to absorb large amount of water and keep water from evaporation.

每张桌上都有一个独特的中心装饰品,里面装满了药水,蜡烛,和其他奇异的装饰。Each and every table had a unique centerpiece, filled with potions, candles, and other wizardly decor.

分镜师本顿·朱从最不可能的地方获得灵感,设计出这个像巫师一样的绝地大师。Storyboard Artist Benton Jew found inspiration for this wizardly Jedi Master in a most unlikely source.

工业主义打破了共同体的封闭结构,将一个变幻莫测、神奇万象的大都市生活带到了现代社会之中。But the industrialism breaks its close structure and gives birth to a variational and wizardly urban life.

由于生命内在性的投入,萧红的作品保持着现实与诗意间惊人的匀称。With the devotion of her life inbeing , Xiao Hong keeps wizardly balance in her works between poetry and reality.

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很少人能够有像这位从马戏团来的年轻女孩,同时拥有这么强大的神术和法术。Few beings have ever been as powerful in both the priestly and wizardly forms of magic as the young girl from the circus.

在这个国度的历史上很少有人能够像这个天真无邪的精灵,同时拥有这么强大的神术和法术。Few beings in the history of the Realms have become as powerful in both priestly and wizardly magics as this innocent elf.

现在,让我们踏着历史的足迹,循着最为自然的气息,开始一段神奇的北欧生活之旅!Treading on the historical footprints, along with the pure nature essence, now, let us start a wizardly journey of northern Europe life!

江湖上会千术的高手不计其数,大多神龙见首不见尾,我有幸跟随快手阿清学习牌技千术。Lakes in the master would be too many to count, mostly move in and out with wizardly elusiveness, I have the honor to follow good learning skill in qing.

在因其实验室和孕育出的著名术法突破为世人所知的同时,萨希布狄亚也是最闻名的兽人诞生地——或者说创造兽人的实验室。While notable for its laboratories and the famous wizardly breakthroughs conceived there, Shahibdiya is most famous as the birthplace – or laboratory – that created the Orcs.