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这儿太吵了。It's too noisy.

我的车好吵!My car is noisy.

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太吵了还是太安静了?Is it noisy or quiet?

这是个喧闹的系统。This is a noisy system.

所有女人搞起�都很吵。All women are noisy fucks.

这个办公室里人声嘈杂。It's noisy in this office.

这是喧闹的美食街。Travel and noisy Food Street.

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嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。A noisy noise annoys an oyster.

我觉得迪吧太吵了。Doisco bar is too noisy for me.

这次会议开得闹哄哄的。The meeting was a noisy affair.

后面的工厂太吵了。The factory behind is too noisy.

两个人一下子又吵翻!Two men suddenly and noisy turn!

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嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。A noisy noise annoys an oyster 5.

上捷运吵人哪你!What noisy people on the MRT you!

它小得可怜,却又吵得要命。It was so small and awfully noisy.

我的房间太吵了。My room is too noisy. I apologise.

带着无人领取的电报聒吵。Noisy with telegrams not received.

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夜间爆竹声吵闹得很。The night was noisy with crackers.

它烧着黄铜叮叮当当的响。It is noisy burning clanging brass.

这个市场既吵杂又脏乱。The marketplace is noisy and dirty.