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半对半错。Half wrong.

他微笑道。He half smiled.

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我们要拿走一半。We'll take half.

大半天吧。About half a day.

把它分成两半。Divide it in half.

四的一半是二。Half of four is two.

现在是三点半。It's half past three.

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大约半个小时前。About a half hour ago.

半人。半兽。Half human. Half beast.

这大约会用半小时。That abot half an hour.

啊哈,把它分成两半。Ah ha, split it in half.

半杯满还是半杯空?Half Full or Half Empty?

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半空就是半满。Half empty is half full.

说它半满还是半空好?Half empty or half full?

那块板被劈成了两半。The board split in half.

好的开始时成功的一半。Well begun is half down.

汤好抵得半顿饭。Good kale is half a meal.

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好汤抵得过半顿餐。Good kale is half a meal.

半米至两米。Half meter to two meters.

好吧,我们是半对。Well, we were half right.