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你一定是渴死了。Yes , you must be parched.

干燥的天气使道路干透了。The road parched up with dry weather.

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灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。The fierce sun parched the bare earth.

缺少雨水使土地变得干旱。The lack of rain had parched the land.

这个地区的土地是干裂的。The land in this region is dry and parched.

久旱的禾苗逢甘雨。A sweet rain falls on the parched seedlings.

但是这一阵雨是灌溉不了枯槁的土地的。But it was not enough to damp the parched ground.

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当局部使用时,他们能滋润干燥皮肤。When applied topically, they can hydrate parched skin.

地面干裂如烤焦的面包。The ground parched and cracked is like overbaked bread.

焦干的嗓子却吐不出一个字。but he could not get the words out of his parched throat.

长时间的干旱使玉米变得灼热枯黄。The long drought has left the cornfields parched and brown.

焦干的嗓子却吐不出一个字。Ida!" but he could not get the words out of his parched throat.

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将炒过的粳米与鸭子熬粥,加黄酒。Boil parched rice and duck congee, add yellow rice or millet wine.

她把葡萄酒,黑红的酒水举到她干渴的嘴上喝起来。She lifted the grapey, dark red juice to her parched mouth and drank.

巴西中西部的马托格罗索州,被烤干的树后的夕阳。The sun sets behind a parched tree in Mato Grosso, midwestern Brazil.

深井里的水输送给干渴的家畜和焦干的庄稼。Water from deep well is directed to thirsty cattle and parched crops.

河谷的外面,在旱季的天气里,所有景色都被烤干了。Outside of the river valley, the dry season has parched the landscape.

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一些水牛被栓在了许多椰子底下,啃食着焦热的椰子边缘。A few buffalo were tethered under coconuts, browsing the parched verges.

天干地旱意味着,他们要比往年储备更多饲料。Parched fields mean they will have to buy in more feed than they'd like.

肯尼亚,一个面积两倍于英国的地方,四处干旱炎热。Kenya, a land more than twice the size of Britain, is everywhere parched.