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联系审计署海关审计局。To liaise with Audit Bureau of the Customs Office.

她的特殊任务是和政府官员取得联系。Her special job is to liaise with government officials.

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联系指导全国海关教育培训中心。To liaise with the National Customs Education and Training Center.

联系指导总署物资装备供应中心。To liaise with and guide the Goods and Equipment Supply Center of the Customs Office.

与天然气销售部门配合,协调智能检测所需的合适气量。To liaise with GS department, coordinate the suitable gas quantity that pigging work needs.

根据公司的要求,联系内部及外部审计师并共同行动。Liaise with both internal and external auditors in compliance with the Company's requirements.

与其它部门和必要的外部承包商联系,以确保提供高质量的服务。Liaise with other departments and necessary outside contracts to ensure excellent service delivery.

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联系指导全国海关信息中心和中国电子口岸数据中心。To liaise with and guide the National Customs Information Center and the China Electronic Port Data Center.

他将会联系梅尔伍德以及科克比学院,使我能够及时的了解球员们的进步,这在他看来是很有必要的。He will liaise between Melwood and Kirkby and keep me updated with any developments that he deems necessary.

协调客户,与公司内部沟通确保订单以及发运过程顺利完成。Liaise and coordinate with customers and internal departments to ensure smooth order and delivery processes.

就个人而言,我会通过电子邮件或Skype与客户保持联系,但这仅限于要旨明确、沟通清晰的情况。Personally, I liaise with clients through email or Skype, but only when the brief and communication are solid.

学生会成立之目的为加强学生自治的能力,培养对学校的归属感。Its aim is to help foster students' morality and self-discipline and to liaise with various clubs and societies.

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与管事部密切合作,提前计划并进行设备的交接和清洁工作。Liaise and work closely with the Chief Steward for pre-planning and execution of delivery and cleanliness of equipment.

直接与部门联系取得工单完成情况和优先权以达到客人满意度。Liaise directly with departments regarding the completion of work orders and prioritize in order of guest satisfaction.

质量保证部人员应与合同经理联系,确保符合客户的具体项目要求。QA department personnel will liaise with the Contracts manager to ensure compliance to client's project specific requirements.

作为一家跨国银行的客户关系经理,需要与世界各地的客人和同事联系及合作。As a relationship manager in a global bank, I have to liaise and cooperate with clients and colleagues from all over the world.

利用地区网络联系O-I技术人员、工厂人员及信息人员确定所发生的问题和适当的解决方案。Liaise with O-I technical staff, plant personnel and Regional IT to identify problems and appropriate solutions across the Region.

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因此,研究所的研究人员与政界、媒体、政府各级行政部门和其他机构都有广泛的联系。For this reason IW staff members liaise with politics, the media, administrations of various government levels, and other institutions.

代表客人和其他部门联络,确保他们的要求都被执行以期得到客人的满意。Liaise with otherdepartments on behalf of the guest and follow up to ensure all requests havebeen actioner to the guest's satisfaction.

处理与客人相关的问题,在经理助理缺席的情况下负责与各部门负责人或行政管理部门联系。Handle problems associated with guests and liaise with department heads or executive management in the absence of the Assistant Manager.