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他对她俯下身去。He bent over towards her.

我朝车门口走去。I moved towards the door.

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她待你好。She acts towards you well.

不要向山那边跑!Don't run towards the hill!

我倾向于他的看法。My view trends towards his.

滚滚沱江朝我流!Towards me Tuo River flows!

他们朝伯恩先生走去。They walk towards Mr. Bowen.

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他朝着学校走去。He headed towards the school.

他朝他的办公室走去。He walked towards his office.

迈尔斯没有走向我。Miles never moved towards me.

是的,她正朝我们走来。Yes she is coming towards us.

所有的人都朝门跑了过去。Everyone ran towards the door.

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简·爱的爱情观。Jane's attitudes towards love.

扫罗不专心事奉神。Saul had no heart towards God.

他们偏袒这项计划。They biased towards this plan.

从今走向繁荣富强。From now on towards prosperity.

我又瞟了它一眼。I glanced towards it once more.

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我朝着市中心开去,I was driving towards downtown,

对未来抱无所谓态度,看破往事,寻求刺激。Indifferent towards the future.

球便向着一只划过来的小船飞去。It went towards a passing boat.