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言过其辞的话让别人说吧。Let other people use the more pretentious words.

他的名声足以令最自负的剧作家为之不安。His great fame can upset most pretentious dramatis.

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我也不会给它起一个狂妄的后现代书名。Nor would I give it a pretentious postmodern title.

你见过一个口音造作的金发男人么?Did you just see a blond guy with a pretentious accent?

你刚刚说了我想说的话。那些人太虚伪了。You just stole my words. Those people are so pretentious.

在新约时代,法利赛人专爱装腔作势的祷告。In New Testament times, the Pharisees were pros at pretentious prayers.

怡悦的精神,在于不矫饰自负。One with harmonious spirit is far from being pretentious and conceited.

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但是进一家假古董店就不需要鼓起勇气了。But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.

总是孤芳自赏却屡受冲击肯定是有缘故原由的。Pretentious has always been the subject of frequent combat is certainly a reason.

使人从你的作品中得到享受的方法是做你自己,而不需要华丽的文体或矫揉造作。The way to make it enjoyable is to sound like who you are, not to be pretentious.

使人从你的作品中得到享受的方法是做你自己,而不需要华丽的文体或矫揉造作。The way to make it enjoyable is to sound like who you are, not to be ornate or pretentious.

对于生意场上的人来说,艺术家就是一群自命不凡的废物。Many businesspeople, for their part, assume that artists are a bunch of pretentious wastrels.

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你会找到洋洋自得的小胡子、自命不凡的眼镜男以及一堆个性迥异的人。You'll find preened moustaches, pretentious glasses, a range of characters and personalities.

一次名人摄影活动,一个装模作样的摄影者用一只粗制滥造的手机来拍照?A celebrity photo shoot in which the pretentious photographer wields a cheesy cell-phone camera?

时髦地生活杂志,终于找到啦又一个新地既有潮水感却能够自高自大地话题。Fashion lifestyle magazine, has finally found a new sense of both trends is the topic can be pretentious.

他们只是附庸风雅地死抱着那本书,像崇拜明星似的将之视为圣品。They just hold firmly the book in pretentious cultural style and regard it as sacred thing as if it were famous movie star.

我喜欢以那些自命不凡、妄自尊大的人群作为题材,还有那些自认为比其他人高一等的人。I like to satirise the people who are pretentious and self-important, who think they're on a higher level than everyone else.

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格勒索手机公司此举意在和我们一样渴望的人——为了标新立异、异于他人,我们可以完全不顾而多走一段路程。It is aimed at desperate souls like us, who are pretentious enough to walk the extra mile in order to be different from the others.

宣传材料里有语法错误或错别字,喜欢用拉丁文,语言华而不实,还喜欢展示学位证书的样本。Promotional literature contains grammatical and spelling errors, words in Latin, extravagant or pretentious language, and sample diplomas.

故事到此,有人可能说孔子虚伪无礼,或者认为孔子缺乏慈悲心。At this point of the story, some people may say that Confucius was pretentious and ill-mannered , or consider Confucius to lack compassion.