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气体警报声马上响了起来。GAS ALARMS SHRIEK.

突然,男孩高兴地尖叫起来。Suddenly, the boy gave a shriek of a delight.

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用一声尖叫挡下了在海滩里头的诸多窃贼。Thwarting thieves at the beach with a shriek.

她的尖叫声在震耳的雷声中变得低沉了。Her shriek was dulled by the loud crash of thunder.

大雪还消减了金属摩擦发出的刺耳声和机器运转时的嘈杂声。Snow muffles the shriek of metal and the rasp of motion.

没错,有些人会发出“贬低”美元的喊叫。Yes, some people will shriek about "debasing" the dollar.

没错,有些人会发出“贬低”美元的喊叫。Yes, some people will shriek about “debasing” the dollar.

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大蜘蛛尸罗的叫声实际上是袋獾的叫声。Shelob's shriek is actually the sound of a Tasmanian devil.

我们听到令人毛骨悚然的一声尖叫从城堡废墟里的一团漆黑中传出。We heard a weird shriek from the darkness of the ruined castle.

薇尔达夫人浑身发抖仅仅抓住她领主丈夫的手臂。Lady Walda gave a shriek and clutched at her lord husband's arm.

夜晚万籁俱寂时突然听到一声尖叫,吓得我汗毛直竖。My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night.

你叫我顶着这张黑锅脸怎么见人?You shriek I the crest wear this dark pot of face how seem in public?

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这种猛兽能发出一种奇怪的水声波尖叫,震晕猎物。The beast can release a bizarre hydrosonic shriek that stuns its prey.

苦姓老者更是气得吹胡子瞪呀,就差哇哇叫起来。Bitterness surname the old is also spirit thump a beard to stare ah, bad shriek.

风化木板在他的重压下粉碎一片,而伊西拉发出一声尖叫。The weathered planks splintered beneath the impact, and Ysilla let out a shriek.

做好准备“哦哦”惊叹、大声尖叫、倒吸冷气吧!实在是太容易沉浸到动物们的故事之中了。Get ready to aww, shriek and gasp. It's so easy to get involved in animals' stories.

在穿靴子参加面试的情况下,她没有接到一个通知她复试的电话。She didn't obtain a single shriek back to a ordinal interview when she wore the boots.

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几乎同时一个女人凄厉的尖叫声划破长空。Almost at the same moment a piercing female cry arose in the air in a prolonged shriek.

这样你就不会错过每个孩子在见到你时发出的尖叫声。So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish.

那个贼一看见狗就一声惊叫,竟跳到沙发后面。At the sight of the dog, the thief gave a high-pitched shriek and jumped behind the sofa.