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嘲笑轻蔑或嘲弄地假笑或笑。To smirk or laughincontempt or derision.

看着他的笑容,那根本就是在奸笑。Look at his smile, really more of a smirk.

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这让他闭住了嘴,但他并没收起那副该死的表情。It shut him up but didn’t erase that damn smirk.

你是否关心假笑和微笑之间的区别?Care to know the nuance between a smirk and a slight smile?

他们的脸上是空白和一本正经的样子,还是有一种狞笑?Is their face blank and matter-of-fact, or does it have a smirk?

很多综艺节目的所谓特等奖是到佛州旅游,这时你往往会暗自好笑。You smirk when a game show's 'Grand Prize' is a trip or cruise to Florida.

他的眼睛从睫毛下飞快地看了我一眼,脸上露出一丝坏笑。His eyes flickered up at me from under his lashes, the hint of a smirk on his face.

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约翰仔细端详着儿子的相片,他看起来像个小詹姆斯·笛安,连同酷酷的傻笑。John studied the photo of his son, looking like a young James Dean, cool smirk and all.

在我写着这些文字的时候,马修就坐在他的弹性婴儿椅上望着我,满脸得意的笑。As I write this, Matthew is sitting in his bouncy seat looking at me with a smirk on his face.

男售货员说着,带着奸笑的表情“很好,”女孩说,“我要十码。”"Only one kiss per yard, " replied the male clerk with a smirk. "That's fine, " said the girl.

你们又得像傻瓜一样呆站着,等着一帮贵族向你们傻笑了。Inspection, meaning you're gonna stand around like an idiot while a bunch of blue bloods. smirk. at you.

阿舒旁边是胖胖的喜欢搞恶作剧的山乔和瘦长的随时准备露出他那标志性的傻笑的罗嘉特。Along him were the chubby and mischievous Sanjoo, and the lanky Rajat, ready with his characteristic smirk.

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这个小顽童甚至没有道歉,她眼里只有傻笑,这真是令人生气!The little brat wasn't even sorry either, there was a smirk in her eyes and that was just simply infuriating!

他们用一种狡猾的不易察觉看似傻乎乎的态度让你觉得他们就像是在恶作剧。They wear a subtle, almost undetectable smirk that makes you think they’re about to make some kind of mischief.

开始时,导演说梅艳芳演电影比唱歌好,她傻呵呵地笑着接受了表扬。At first, when the director told her that she could act better than sing, she accepted this praise with a smirk.

“每码只需要一个吻。”男售货员说着,带着奸笑的表情“很好,”女孩说,“我要十码。”"Only one kiss per yard, " replied the male clerk with a smirk. "That's fine, " said the girl. "I'll take ten yards. "

思佳丽下车时,看见大妹苏纶在傻笑,知道她在人群里找到了富兰克·肯尼迪。As she descended from the carriage, she saw Suellen smirk and knew that she must have picked out Frank Kennedy in the crowd.

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无论哪种,当你不期然看到异性的较多裸露肌肤时,你只好在心里傻笑。Either way, when you see a bit more skin than you were expectingon the opposite sex, you can’t help but to smirk on the inside.

主要症状是思维内容离奇,难以理解,思维破裂,情感喜怒无常,表情做作,弄鬼脸,傻笑。The main symptoms are thought content, bizarre, hard to understand, thinking rupture, emotional and moody, look contrived, get grimace, smirk.

但是一想到我前妻的婚纱躺在大门口——一个多么不同凡响的地垫的时候,又抑止不住地得意的大笑。But I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of my ex-wife's wedding dress sitting outside my front door -- what a fancy doormat it would make.