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各环节之间在人才培养方面存在缺失和错位。Between the links, there appears to be disappearance and misplacement.

但是在现实生活中,人们又常常出现这样的思维错位。But in real life, such misplacement often occurs in people's thinking.

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采用曲面分型分模面,消除了错模现象。The use of curved die separating surface eliminates the misplacement of die.

一个小数点的位置放错,就可以导致一个本可以完成的项目失败。The misplacement of one decimal point can ruin an otherwise acceptable project.

当然,错位导致了一句愚蠢的,完全无效的逻辑?Of course, that misplacement resulted in a stupid sentence completely void of logic ?

而这种失衡在中国农村更多地表现为金融供给与金融需求错位。This is shown in the countryside mainly for the misplacement of financial supply and demand.

这个规模使得艾森豪威尔警告人民警惕权力的误用和军事机构的影响力。This buildup led Eisenhower to caution against the misplacement of power and influence of the military.

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这个显然使得查找由驱动代码或者数据错放进页共享引起的错误更困难了。This certainly makes it harder to find bugs caused by misplacement of driver code or data into the paged pool!

也找到了音乐频道出现困境的深层原因即广告盈利模式与细分化专业频道错位。For the deep one. it refers to the pattern of advertising profit and the misplacement of subdivided specialized channel.

在翻译这种跨语言、跨文化的活动中,译者不可避免地会面对两种语言中文化意象的错位。Translators have to face the misplacement of cultural images in the course of translation, an interlingual and cross-cultural activity.

必要性或必然性模态句的双重否定结构在模态逻辑上所出现的不对应现象源于否定词的语义错位。The disagreement between modal logic and the double negative construction of the necessity modals originates in the semantic misplacement.

米勒认为博格将责任主要归咎于全球经济秩序是一种责任错置,并从国家责任的角度分析了全球贫困的诸多情况。Miller, on the other hand, thinks that it is a misplacement of responsibility that Pogge attributes world poverty mainly to the global economic order.

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中国当代文化总体上是现代性文化,后现代文化在中国当代的出现是历史的误置。Chinese contemporary literature in general is culture with modernity. The emergence of postmodern culture in modern China is a historical misplacement.

普通高校毕业生正面临供需矛盾、结构性错位等引起的就业难的局面。Graduates from universities and colleges are facing contradictions between supply and demand and difficulties in employment caused by structural misplacement.

为了防止损耗和误放,组织实验室也利用了涉及条码和登记号的计算机追踪系统来保护实验室安全。The tissue library is also protected against loss and misplacement by a meticulous computer tracking system that involves bar codes and human-readable numbers.

提出地方高校加强学科建设的错位发展、依托发展、借力发展三大战略。This thesis puts forward the three strategies of local university discipline construction, ie, misplacement development, reliance development, borrowing development.

这项研究的目的是测量错误置入胸椎弓根钉所致医源性椎弓根穿孔的钉道平均把持力。The object of this study was to investigate the effects of iatrogenic pedicle perforations from screw misplacement on the mean pullout strength of thoracic pedicle screws.

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耶稣批评表面工夫的义行,也指出称法利赛人为「拉比」、「父」、或「夫子」是权柄的错置。Jesus' criticisms are about doing righteous things to be seen by man. He also addresses the misplacement of authority in calling various Pharisees "Rabbi", "Father", or "Teacher".

因此,思维方式的不当运用,发生思维错位是导致人们难以接受其他文明或新文明的根本原因。Therefore, the improper application of the thinking mode and its misplacement are the fundamental reasons why people find it hard to accept other civilizations or a new civilization.

人们习惯于用自己所处的文明体系对其他的、未知的文明体系进行是非判断,这是思维方式的错位,判断结果毫无意义。People are in the habit of judging other unknown civilization systems by their own civilization systems, and this is misplacement in the thinking mode. The judgment makes no sense at all.