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过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。Better a bachelor's life than a slovenly wife.

单身汉的生活好于有一个懒散的妻子。Better a bachelor 's life than a slovenly wife.

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凌乱的荒野,围向山峰。It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill.

杰克的习惯是不修边幅,这一习惯就像莠草一样总比庄稼长得快。Jack's habits are slovenly and like ill weeds grow apace.

这样马马虎虎的工作习惯决不能生产出优质产品来。Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products.

而马克思那不规矩的生活,也可以为我们提供一些线索。His slovenly life could be one more in the chain of evidence.

有了自检的能力,马虎的毛病才能克服。With the ability to self-test and slovenly problems to overcome.

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人们对该公司草率的经营感到愤慨。People were scandalized at the slovenly management of the company.

我是一个不修边幅的人,别指望我打扮给你看。I be a slovenly and untidy person, don't hope me to dress up to let you see.

她不赞成她的邻居们,因为她们是不修边幅的邋遢鬼。She disapproved of all her neighbors because of their slovenly house-keeping.

当地的传说有,他厌烦了他遇到的和尚的懒惰的,邋遢的方式。Local legend has it he was disgusted with the lazy and slovenly ways of monks he encountered.

我们不会认为一个个人仪表如此整洁的女人在家居生活上会邋邋遢遢。You would not expect anyone so neat in her personal appearance to be slovenly in her housekeeping.

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他是个瘦骨棱棱,脸色发灰的人,活象没吃饱饭,外表总是非常邋遢。He's a scrawny, grey-faced man, WHO looks half-starved, and he's always very slovenly in appearance.

我的妻子、儿女、孙辈们告诉我以我年迈的岁数来说,有一点懒散。My wife, my children, and my grandchildren are telling me I've gotten a little slovenly in my old age.

所以以后做什么事情,只要是在那个位置上了,我就会认真的去做好,不会马马虎虎的去应付。So since then, as long as I in a position, I will try my best to do it well, not slovenly to deal with.

做为毕业生或在校生千万不可在面试时大大咧咧、疏于准备、自以为是、不修边幅。As graduates or students must not in interviews Datailielie, neglect of preparation, self-righteous, slovenly.

但是多数删减和校正都经作者仔细玩味而临时决定的,这一过程不可容忍任些微的累赘和草率。But the majority of the omissions and corrections were prompted by a careful taste , which abhorred everything redundant or slovenly.

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所以这个计算器的发明者和推广者出师不利,一本非常难的说明书和一句经不起推敲的话。Thus the inventors and distributors of this calculator get off to a poor start, with a Very Hard instruction book and a slovenly phrase.

相反的,外表懒散,头发不修边幅,不得体的化装和首饰都将给我们的的客人留下不好的印象。Slovenly or careless grooming, outlandish or extreme hairstyle, make-up and accessories will create a low-grade impression to our guests.

现在才恍然大悟,他是那种精心修饰外表,但私下里十分邋遢的人。Now itbecomes clear that he’s one of those people who is fastidious about hispersonal appearance but secretly slovenly about everything else.