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她把他拉了起来。She pulls him upright.

躯干保持向上。Keep your torso upright.

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坐在一张直背椅。Sit on an upright chair.

他是一位品格端正的公民。He is an upright citizen.

为人诚实正派,乐观。Honest, upright and optimism.

他是一个个头高,腰笔挺的老人。He was a tall upright old man.

你的身体将保持竖直。Your body should remain upright.

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他为官正直,是一位清官。He was an honest and upright official.

钢琴差不多总是直立式钢琴。The piano was nearly always an upright.

我一定是受人尊敬的,我是一个正直的人。I must be respected, I’m an upright man.

那个年轻人做生意很规矩。The young man was upright in his business.

上帝爱护那些勇敢的顶天立地的人。Be brave and upright that God may love them.

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口袋空空的人腰杆子是挺不直的。It's hard for an empty bag to stand upright.

那位法官是个清官。The judge is an honest and upright official.

每次至少10分钟,习气抬头挺胸的觉得。At least 10 minutes, upright habit of thought.

我只感到面前是一个魁伟笔挺的身影。I was aware only of a tall and upright figure.

对于一个空口袋来说,直立起来是困难的。It is hard for an empty sack to stand upright.

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保罗谢尔曼耶尔身材矮小,动作敏捷,站得笔挺。Paul sherman yale was small, spry and upright.

战争纪念碑矗立在广场上。The war memorial stands upright in the square.

说来说去,清官难断家务事。He says it, judge not upright household chores.