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这个故事叙述得较为简略,人物的对话也很少。This story too is relatively sparely narrated, with little reported speech.

为网友提供至善至美的听觉享受不遗余力。Provides the flawless sense of hearing for the net friend to enjoy sparely no effort.

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闲置地陈列在威亭顿的美术馆里的威廉近来的铜像作品深深地吸引了我。William held me longest with his recent bronzes sparely arranged at Waddington's galleries.

但因为此次攻击主要是在人烟稀少的山区,百姓伤亡很少。But with strikes occurring in a mountainous sparely populated region, civilian causalities are rare.

电梯的安全、舒适、可靠、节能的运行是现代建筑物能否生存的重要因数之一。It is fatal to an elevator that weather or not it can function safely, comfortably, securely and sparely.

美国的西南部是沙漠和半沙漠,零星散布着一些巨大的仙人掌属植物和低矮的灌木,白天很热,晚上很冷。Southwestern U. S is desert and semidesert, sparely covered with giant cactus and low shrubs, hot in The Day and cold at night.

那是一个有雾的下午,但是二月的太阳还在淡淡地照着,我们还可以分辨出墓园里的两棵枞树,和那些零零落落的墓碑。It was a misty afternoon, but the February sun shone dimly, and we could just distinguish the two fir trees in the yard, and the sparely scattered gravestones.

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那是一个有雾的下午,但是二月的太阳还在淡淡地照着,我们还可以分辨出墓园里的两棵枞树,和那些零零落落的墓碑。It was a misty afternoon, but the February sun shone dimly, and we could just distinguish the two fir trees in the yard, and the sparely scattered gravestones.

虽然相比于“断背山”,“色戒”的故事要长些,然而张爱玲的叙事方式是分散的,因此所有的画面都是“参照原文”拍摄的。Though it's longer than the story that became "Brokeback Mountain, " Chang's narrative is so sparely written that the screen credit might have been "suggested by.

当詹姆斯飞起来,你最好选择空中闪躲,否则你就会成为下一个背景男。邓肯不遗余力地向众人推销他的新发现。When James flies, you should better choose airborne dodge, otherwise you can become the next background male. Duncan sparely no effort sells his recent discovery to the people.