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难道是考古学方面的教授?Is the professor of archeology?

他在大学学习的是考古学。He studied archeology in college.

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他这三十年来一直在研究考古学。He has been studying archeology these thirty years.

这艘船的发现惊动了考古界。The discovery of that sunken ship rocked the archeology world.

第二部分,新石器时代三种考古学文化。The second part is about three archeology cultures of Neolithic.

对北京人的研究伴随着中国考古学的成长。Study of the Peking Man accompanied by the growth of Chinese archeology.

实际上我那会儿写了信给许多考古学的相关部门表达了我的愿望。I actually wrote to a number of archeology departments and offered up my services.

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其主要应用方向包括考古学、生物学、医药、纳米技术等等。Main directions are represented by archeology biology medicine nanotechnology etc.

观光者可以去那莎塔尔湖考古博物馆参观,以对古文化有新的认识。Visitors will gain a new appreciation of the old at the Neuchâtel Museum of Archeology.

格哈.尚梅拿会讲述他在虚拟媒体考古学领域的工作。Gebhard Sengmüller will talk about his work in the field of fictitious media archeology.

法国乍得联合考古队,从1993年起在乍得沙漠考古。French-Chad Combined Archeologists Team did archeology research in desert of Chad from 1993.

当时是七十年代,各种各样令人兴奋的事情、考古学的发现正在发生。It was the seventies and a lot of exciting things were happening, discoveries in archeology.

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后来我申请了宾夕法尼亚大学并进入了人类学系,但是我很明确自己想学考古学。I applied to Penn.I got into the anthropology department, but I specifically wanted archeology.

因为正如瑟好所言,“考古是一种破坏。”Everything is photographed and documented, because, as Serhal says, "archeology is destruction."

后来我申请了宾夕法尼亚大学并进入了人类学系,但是我很明确自己想学考古学。I applied to Penn. I got into the anthropology department, but I specifically wanted archeology.

后来,研究人员进行了一些具有独创性的基因考古研究,使人们对猪流感理论产生了疑问。Then researchers conducted some clever genetic archeology that cast doubt on the swine flu theory.

相反,我们却可以经常看到一些神父和其他神职人员出现在圣经考古学纪录片中。Moreover, it's common to see priests and theologists appear in the documentaries of biblical archeology.

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汉代文献中有多处提到用简牍缣帛写书,近代的考古发掘甘此作出了有力的证明。Not only in the ancient literatures, but in the modern archeology fields can we find a lot of evidences.

中国文物学会鉴定委员会委员,中国考古学会会员。Committeeman of Identification Committee Chinese Society of Relics, Member of Chinese Society of Archeology.

东周画像铜器是美术史和考古学研究的重要课题。The research on pictorial bronzes of Eastern Zhou is a major subject of study on art history and archeology.