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我就是活生生的证明!I'm living proof of it!

我审阅了这书的样稿。I read the book in proof.

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我就是一个活生生的例子。I’m living proof of that.

高轰兽王的证明!Shoutmon, Proof of a King!

让我们为证据而努力。But let’s strive for proof.

邮戳为凭。Postmark serves as a proof.

他不受贿赂。He is proof against bribery.

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他不为阿谀奉承所动。He is proof against flattery.

第一章为自由心证的概述。The first part is free proof.

要给你举一个例子来证明吗?Would you like a proof of it?

你根本找不到这样的证明。You could not get such proof.

梅氏论证的动力。The motivation of Mei's proof.

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这衣是防雨的。The coat is proof against rain.

只有经得住考验,才会生存下来。It did not proof into existence.

我还有照片为证。Well, I have photographic proof.

耐渣锓蚀,强度高,抗剥落。Dreg proof ension, high strength.

萨德确实是这种危险的证明。Sade is indeed the proof of that.

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与信任密切相关的是证明。Closely related to trust is proof.

说明当时白酒品质暴烈。Proof that liquor quality violent.

柏瑞特推论的艾伦证明法。Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture.