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装饰材﹐唐木家俱﹐雕刻木艺品﹐木质手把﹐细木器。Decoration, furniture, wood carving, handles, joinery and inlaid work.

所有的木工作业要符合一般的建筑标准。All joinery work shall be in accordance with normal Builder's standards.

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细木工板里辛辣刺眼的气味就是甲醛的气味。Joinery board in the odour that the odour of acrimony dazzling is formaldehyde.

它主要是从细木工板中释放出来的,涂料和油漆中也有少量。It basically is from joinery board in release, also have in coating and paint a few.

对于预制混凝土结构物,需要十分注意预制构件间的连接。Precast concrete requires careful attention to the joinery between precast elements.

室外的细木工构件将被包裹于喷涂了隔热涂料的炭灰色铝材中。The exterior joinery elements will be in thermo-sprayed aluminum tinted charcoal gray.

木栓,木砖嵌入石墙中的木块,以钉支撑细木构造物的钉子。A wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures.

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该屏风形式延续到室内的细木工元素,包括座位区和书桌。The screen forms the end of a fitted joinery element incorporating a seating area and a desk.

盒子的制作材料是一般的松木或白蜡木,并且全部采用手工工具和细木工工艺来组装。The box is made of simple pine or ash, and assembled entirely using hand tools and wood joinery.

材料是一般的松木或白蜡木,全用手工工具和细木工工艺组装。The box is made of simple pine or ash, and assembled entirely using hand tools and wood joinery.

建筑用木工制品,包括蜂窝结构木镶板、已装拼的拼花地板、木瓦及盖屋板。Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular wood panels, assembled flooring panels, shingles and shakes.

此外,这座邻近海洋的住宅影响了石灰石地板、橡木木工和锌覆盖层的使用。Furthermore, the house's close proximity to the ocean influenced the use of limestone floors, oak joinery and zinc cladding.

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优质欧洲比利时天然木材涂以现代色调,用于构造所有细木工和地板。High quality natural European Belgian timber washed with a contemporary tone was used to construct all joinery and flooring.

据不完全统计,至2004年,我国细木工板的年生产总量已达到880多万立方米。According to not complete count, to 2004, our country joinery board year manufacturing gross already achieved 880 much stere.

据透露,这种细木工板是河北省邢台鑫源木业公司生产的。According to divulging , this kind of joinery board be production of company of estate of Tai Xinyuan timber of Heibei province Xing.

我们可以看到,这个系统包括最便宜的和最低微的细木工制品——镀锌钉接板和相应的粘接剂以及墙系统。It refers to the cheapest and ignoble means of joinery – to the galvanized gang nail plate and corresponding binder and wall systems.

除以木工因素,管之间的空间是扭曲的地面和一楼允许的关系,花园和日光从上面。Divided by joinery elements, the tube of space is twisted between ground and first floor to allow a relationship to the garden and daylight from above.

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这些轻量级组件用木头和不锈钢材料组合创建了一个高度智能化的结构。These lightweight components interlock to create a highly intelligent structure using only wood joinery and stainless steel zip ties, in lieu of nails.

一个明显的例子是楼梯踏板的精密细木工,它们绕着拐角弯曲,形成一种雕塑感。A notable example of this is the precision joinery of the staircase treads, which curve around the corner as they rise and form a sculpture of their own.

该木工厨房,储藏室墙上,一个大书柜推拉门和天花板高了’k'所有涂上鲜艳,有光泽的红色和设在一楼。The joinery kitchen, pantry wall, a large bookcase sliding doors and high ceilings of the 'K' all painted in bright, shiny red and located on the first floor.