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地狱张着大口在等待着那个恶棍。The hell yawns for that rogue.

无赖的灵族,我们必须毁灭他们!Rogue Eldar, we must destroy them!

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铁柱哥,你又流氓了。Iron elder brother Zhu, you anew rogue.

或者是盗贼两个出血一个剔骨就死了。Or a Rogue in 2 Hemos and an Eviscerate.

让我们回到流氓交易员一事上来。This brings us back to our rogue trader.

你的大脑也影响你的情感幸福,以及你能和异性相处多融洽。Don't get too matey with him he's a rogue.

女神?流氓?可能是正在耍流氓的女神。Goddness?Rogue?Maybe a goddess is roguing.

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转眼间,美国自己也被视为一个流氓国家。Overnight, the US was cast as a rogue nation.

是性的爆发?还是饥渴的无赖?Is the nature of the outbreak? Still hungry rogue?

这个小淘气就在她左耳边咬住自己的尾巴。Little rogue biting its tail just by her left ear.

宁夏银川哪里有卖流氓兔的?Where has Ningxia Yinchuan to sell rogue rabbit's?

汹涌波涛将停泊的船只拍打得东倒西斜。A rogue wave knocked the anchored boats galley-west.

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正在我快升级的时候,我又看见了刚才那个盗贼。Just as I was going to level, I saw the rogue again.

仿生学单细胞虫今天宣布发型了3.3版机翼。Rogue Amoeba today announced the release of Airfoil 3.3.

下述均为灵能游荡者的职业特性。All the following are class features of the psychic rogue.

扒手将他的钱包偷走了。Some light- fingered rogue has relieved him of his wallet.

既然如此,就甩掉你的男友,另外找个花花公子交往一年看看。So dump your boyfriend and find a rogue. Date him for a year.

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伺机属于替代性费用,会出现在某些浪客牌上。Prowl is an alternative cost that appears on some Rogue cards.

那个坏蛋画商在卖这些画时骗了我。That rogue of a dealer did me over the sale of these pictures.

对付这些女流氓不用点手段怎么行。Women do not have to deal with these rogue means how to point.