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回头见,阿姨。Bye now, auntie.

姨妈,请您别拔啦。Please don't, auntie.

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他听到孙大姑说。He heard Auntie Sun say.

梅格姑母一直很勇敢。Auntie Meg has been very brave.

我说︰「宝姨姨也病了。I said, Auntie Polly is sick, too.

吉尔姨总是记得我的生日。Auntie Jill always remembers my birthday.

亨利叔叔,埃姆婶婶,别让她带走托托。Uncle Henry, Auntie Em, don't let her take Toto.

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亲爱的叔叔阿姨,恭喜发财!Dear uncle and auntie , may you come into a good fortune!

要让我的阿姨停止喋喋不休是不可能的事。It's impossible to stop my Auntie from rabbiting on and on.

梓淇的叔叔阿姨也都一起来了。It was nice that Ethan's uncle and auntie came to see us too.

如果你需要吃点什么,只要找你的飘飘阿姨就行了。If there's anything you need ingest, just ask your Auntie Deb.

八喜又笑了,叫他们“叔叔”和“阿姨”。Bashi was smiling again , calling them "Uncle " and " Auntie ".

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嗨哟﹐葱酱便宜﹐你也不要免费给我!Then the auntie selling vege dun wanna give her free spring onion.

当我问德茜是否看到奶奶和维拉婶婶的时候,她点了点头。Dasey nodded when I asked her if she could see Nanna and Auntie Vera.

在某些方面,我的舅舅和舅母是全身心投入当下的人。In some ways, my uncle and auntie were both almost always fully present.

在那些变性人中,某个人既可能成为你姑姨,也可能成为你叔舅。Among the transgendered , Bob is as likely to be your auntie as your uncle.

铃铃铃,电话响了,“来我家吃午饭吧”熊姑姑说。"Ring, "went the telephone. "Come to my house for lunch, "said Auntie Bear.

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颖颖同希希的姑妈刚去了日本大板旅行,买了少少手信比我。This is the gift from Auntie Helen, who just went to a trip to Osaka, Japan.

凯文的伯母在凯文父母逝世后像扶养自己的亲生骨肉一样扶养他。When his parents died , Kevin's auntie raised him as if he were her own son.

“好啦!”安东尼欢喜若狂。姨妈,我们可以任选喜欢吃的食物吗?”"Yahoo! " cheered Anthony. "Can we pick and choose whatever we like, Auntie?"