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塞瑟瑞安的命运使这个案件更加让人毛骨悚然。Caesarian 's fate is a chilling addition to the story.

产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?Is Caesarian Section covered by the Obstetric Package service?

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有趣的是所有的资料都没有注意到塞瑟瑞安/被杀。It's interesting that all sources brush over the murder of Caesarian.

她没有办法就去医院剖腹产了。She had no alternative option but to go to hospital for a Caesarian section.

产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?Caesarian section, if it is medically indicated and justified, is covered by the Package.

如果对感染的有孕母亲做剖腹产,能够降低新生宝宝感染的风险。The risk can be reduced if the baby of an infected mother is delivered by Caesarian section.

我们很幸运,因为由于剖腹产,这样的情况在现今很少出现。Luckily for us, these scenarios are very rare occurrences in our day thanks to Caesarian sections.

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医生来检查我后,告诉我明天早上可以剥腹生产了。After inspection, the gynaecologist informed that I could deliver through caesarian operation by tomorrow.

有一位准妈妈患了甲流。她没有办法就去医院剖腹产了。A mother-to-be was one of the victims. She had no alternative option but to go to hospital for a Caesarian section.

只是现代剖腹产渐多,「人造八字」准或不准,正引起广泛争议。Now that caesarian sections are more common, debate has been stirred up over the accuracy of "artificial horoscopes."

配种费、运输费、繁殖前的检查费、看兽医的费用、遇上剖腹产的手术费、打疫苗、喂食、玩具等花费都是不便宜的哦。Stud fees, shipping, pre-breeding tests, veterinary expenses, occasional Caesarian sections, vaccinations, feeding, and toys are all costly.

为减少提前分娩引发的并发症,而且让胎儿有更适合的发育空间,俄勒冈州若干医院都将不再进行提前剖腹产。Oregon hospitals are to clamp down on early term caesarian sections in a bid to reduce birth complications and allow babies to properly develop.

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这种纱布也可用于住院手术诸如,子宫切除术、纤维瘤切除、腹腔镜检查、和肿瘤切除术等。The gauze can also be used in inpatient surgical procedures such as caesarian section, hysterectomy, fibroid surgery, laparoscopy, and oncologic surgery.

墨索里尼跟他的情妇尸体倒吊大街上示众,是显示他自命凯撒式的英雄以及貌似潘安的帅哥命运的终结。The upside-down suspension of the dead Mussolini with his mistress in a town square signaled the end of his pretensions to Caesarian heroism and Casanovan machismo.

高血压、肾功能损害、先兆子痫、继发于免疫抑制的细菌和病毒感染以及剖宫产几率增加是母体的主要风险。Hypertension, preeclampsia, bacterial and viral infection resulted from immunosuppression therapy and increasing rate of caesarian section are the major risks for the mother.

试想一下,在我生完第三个小孩、第二次剖腹产手术后三个月,我已经回复到到我的纤瘦体型和一个比以往任何时候更好的外表、肤色、皮肤弹性及健康状况。Just imagine within 3 months after my third baby & an second caesarian op, I am now back to my slim-fit shape with better looks, complexion & bouncing healthily than ever before.

圣保罗医院的一位负责人称那位妇女经证实在星期五经剖腹产手术产下了双胞胎。由于医院规定不便透露该名妇女的姓名。The woman, whose identity has not been revealed, gave birth Friday by Caesarian section, according to an official at Sant Pau hospital who spoke on condition of anonymity because of hospital policy.