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我喜欢摆弄汽车。And I like fixing cars.

我准备去打猎。I'm fixing to go hunting.

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王老师在修他的自行车。Mr. Wang is fixing his bike.

这是个令人恼火的解决方法,修补的优先级最高。Fixing this has top priority.

王先生在修他的脚踏车。Mr. Wang is fixing hellos bike.

他是补缀汽车的熟手在行。He's an old hand at fixing cars.

我想我的表需要修一下。I'm afraid my watch needs fixing.

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王先生在修他的自行车。Mr. Wang is fixing his bike. Mrs.

她一直在整修那所房子,你们知道的。She’s been fixing it up, you know.

我这是给泥坯的内侧定型。I am fixing the inner shape of the bisque.

丈夫为什么不打算修补漏雨的屋顶呢?。Why isn't the husband fixing the leaky roof?

母亲为全家准备晚饭。Mother is fixing supper for the whole family.

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修改很烂的具有破坏性的缺陷的价值是什么呢?What's the value of fixing a nasty crash bug?

词缀使用其中的一个曲柄臂固定螺栓。Affix using one of the crank arm fixing bolts.

此问题已经在处理当中了,给您造成不便,深感歉意!We are fixing the problem, it will bw OK soon!

锚固件用于陶瓷纤维的固定。Ancher is used in the ceramic fibre for fixing.

PVA膜状固定细胞是一种新细胞固定化方法。PVA film fixed cell is a new cell fixing method.

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修复已损坏的引用——更新类路径Fixing broken references -- updating the classpath

他修理了电视机不肯要钱。He refused to take anything for fixing the TV-set.

白马者,言白定所白也。"White horse" speaks of white fixing what is white.