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怎么样才可以保持好心理状态啊?How can you just maintain good mentation?

颓废是种心理状态还种生活状态?。Decadent be kind of mentation return kind of life condition?

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颓废是种心理状态还种生活状态?为什么?。Decadent be kind of mentation return kind of life condition? Why?

随时与店内任务佣人做好及时沟通,了解任务佣人思想状况。To timely communicate dawn shop staff to understand their mentation.

主要研究了番茄果啤的发酵方法和工艺条件。It mainly introduced the production of the method and condition offer mentation.

自杀意念是自杀未遂和有自杀死亡者早期的心理活动。Suicide ideation refers to the mentation of an attempted suicide and suicide completer at the early stage.

其生理卫生价值极高,对人的生理、心理状态影响较大。Value of its physiology sanitation is extremely high, bigger to influence of the person's physiology, mentation.

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结论良好的个性和社会支持对即将参加工作的医科毕业生的心理状态有重要影响。Conclusion It is important in the mentation of having job graduates to provid with well personality and social support.

企业价值观是影响和左右企业发展的关键因素,这已经在管理学界和企业界达成共识。The function of the corporate values is advancing such common mentation and boosting the level of the corporate cohesiveness.

为了提高苹果自动分级中图像处理的速度和可靠性,就有关苹果图像分割问题进行了探讨。To speed up the image processing and raise its reliability, apple image seg- mentation in apple automatic grading is discussed.

三是晋宋之际佛教新思潮的大量涌入是推动士人文化心态新变的重要动力。Thirdly, the broadcast of Buddhist new thoughts pushed forward the formation of the mentation of literators in Jin and Song Dynasties.

随着心理学及学前教育学的不断发展,对学前儿童各种心理状态与特征的研究也不断地深入。With the development of psychology and Pre-school education, there were more researches on mentation and characters of young children.

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指出船舶灭火中导致指挥员决策失误常见的几种心理状态与原因,并提出解决这一问题的几点做法。This article introduces familiar mentation and reason of mistake decision-making of fire fighting commands, and brings forward a few of ideas.

把握和熟知人的心理过程,对我们进行思想疏导、提高思想教育的效能具有重要意义。Seizing and learning psychal process well has important meaning, when we are canalling our mentation and improving the sufficiency of mental education.

良好的心理状态对于歌唱者正常发挥技术技能,准确表现音乐作品具有重要的作用,是一个出色的歌唱者的必备素质。The good mentation is key to the normal using of singers singing skills and accurate expression of the music, which is the requirement of an elite singer.

有规律的参加一些身体锻炼,减少久坐的活动对于促进身体健康、良好的心理状态和健康的体重是行之有效的。Have the law attend a few bodies to take exercise, reducing the mentation with sedentary healthy to promoting, good activity and healthy weight is effective.

方法通过对60例药物治疗的高血压患者的同时,从疾病知识、生活方式、心理状态等方面给予健康教育护理,并对护理前后的临床效果作对比分析。Methods The effect of health education and nursing for 60patients with drugs were compared in diseases knowledge and life style and mentation with no education.

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自恋是一个人的注意力聚焦于自身,喜爱并无条件接受自身、夸大自身能力及成就等方面的一种心理状态。The narcissism is the mentation of individuals focus on themselves, love and accept all of themselves unconditional, exaggerate their own capacity and achievements, etc.

床头灯的光线趋于柔和,主要是为了符合人们夜间的心理状态,刺眼的灯光只会打消您的睡意,令眼睛感到不适。The light of berth lamp tends downy, basically be to accord with the mentation with nightly people, the lamplight of dazzling can give up only your drowsiness, your eye feels unwell.

压力是个体在面对难以适应的外界环境或威胁时产生的心理状态,是个体对威胁或挑战性事件的一种反应。Stress is a kind of mentation when an individual faces the unaccommodated environment or feels in threaten, and stress is a kind of reaction when an individual deals with threaten or challenge.