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过度追求刺激,忽视和谐。Fifthly, pursue incitement excessively, neglect diapason.

毕竟,刚才经历了凤羽和龙琦的刺激。Just capable the incitement of Feng feather and Long Qi once and for all.

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意识形态虚假性表现为掩蔽性、教化性和非批判性。The hypocrisy of ideological formality is hiding and incitement and non-critique.

我们强烈关注到境外势力从中煽动、策划所发挥的巨大作用。There is strong concern that outside incitement and organisation played a big part.

他们高喊把韩裔扔进大海和杀死韩裔,煽动暴力,这更是非法的。They shouted to throw them into the sea and kill koreans. Incitement of violence. Illegal.

用舒适的刺激促进血液循环,缓解顽固的酸疼。Use comfortable The incitement of promotes the blood circulation. Alleviate the bigotry aching.

粘膜修复因子,快速修复肠道粘膜,缓和炎症刺激。Glue the film repair factor, the fast repair bowel way glues the film, mollifying the disease incitement.

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人们担心,刘先生将被控以“煽动颠覆国家政权”,一种类似的任意罗织罪名。" It is feared that Mr. Liu will be charged with "incitement to subvert state power, " a similarly arbitrary crime.

也对,如果我们宽宏大量一些,这种行为的确还没有严重到必须被出示红黄牌,即使这种行为深深的刺激并激怒了我。But it felt like incitement to me. He went unpunished, of course. And quite right, too, if we're being big about it.

克林顿重申美国呼吁以色列停止修建定居点、巴勒斯坦人结束煽动并维护安全。She repeated U.S. calls on Israel to stop settlement activity and the Palestinians to end incitement and bolster security.

内塔尼亚胡在耶路撒冷举行的每周内阁会议上也指责西方国家支持的巴勒斯坦权力机构进行了煽动。At the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Mr. Netanyahu also accused the western-backed Palestinian Authority of incitement.

3月25日,退伍军人兼持不同政见者刘贤斌以"煽动颠覆国家政权"罪被判处10年有期徒刑。On March 25, the veteran dissident Liu Xianbin was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for "incitement to subvert state power."

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七宝暗下决心,那两天的报纸绝对不能看,受不了那刺激。Seven treasures are black to make a firm decision, that two dayses of newspaper absolutely can not see and can not stand that incitement.

O'Shea的案件只是200多件以引诱分发儿童照片为内容的男子案件之一。O'Shea's case is one of an estimated 200 or more involving men who were convicted of incitement to distribute indecent images of children.

叙利亚国家理事会已经开始呼吁按利比亚模式建立禁飞区和进行外国干预,而这两项行为都将会进一步激发内战。It has started to call for a no-fly zone and foreign intervention on the Libyan model, both of which are a further incitement to civil war.

但是,这种潜力若联合起来也会造成巨大的伤害,就像上述页面所看到的疯狂的煽动行为。However, such potential comes hand in hand with the ability to cause great harm, such as in the case of the wild incitement displayed on the above-mentioned page.

感官刺激与声色享乐的唯美主义,在人生观、文艺观以及偏重艺术形式上都影响了新感觉派。The Aestheticism that sense organs incitement influenced The Chinese Neo-Sensationalism in the philosophy of life, literature view and over-emphasized art formalities.

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与此同时,突尼斯一家军事法庭以其加入某恐怖主义组织及“煽动恐怖主义”而缺席判决萨迪20年徒刑。Meanwhile, a Tunisian military court had sentenced Mr Saadi in his absence to 20 years' imprisonment for membership of a terrorist organisation and "incitement to terrorism".

国务卿赖斯于周四在参议院露面,呼吁全球穆斯林不要听信那些据称曲解美国行为动机,并煽动暴力者的言论。Secretary Rice began a Senate appearance Thursday with an appeal to Muslims around the world to reject any incitement to violence by those who she said would mischaracterize U.

在演讲中,沙龙重申了他的立场,要求巴勒斯坦必须停止“煽动和恐怖活动”,并实行深刻的民主改革,以恢复双方之间的政治谈判。In a speech, Sharon repeated his position that Palestinians must stop "incitement and terror" and implement deep democratic reforms before any political negotiations can resume.