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做得也很棒。And he was fantastic.

他的发球相当棒。His serve is fantastic.

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他是一位神奇的教练。He is a fantastic coach.

它是一个奇妙的爱情故事。It is a fantastic love story.

荒诞的无目的性追求。Fantastic aimless is run after.

嚏根草属植物可能是世界上最令人叫绝的神奇植物了!Hellebore is a fantastic plant!

来这个地方真好。So it's a fantastic place to be.

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那是一个极好的热量。That heat is a fantastic amount.

看这件漂亮的家具。Look at this fantastic furniture.

啊哈,一只真正的神奇动物耶!A-ha, , an actual fantastic beast!

干燥花色泽美妙。Fantastic tinct of the dry flowers.

但我们的位置很好。But you know we had fantastic seats.

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汉特曼西斯克是一座神奇的城市。Khanty-Mansiysk is a fantastic city.

那家商店索价极高。That store charges fantastic prices.

锻炼是一个很好的习惯!Exercise is a fantastic habit tohave!

她的新兰草专辑是太棒了。Her new bluegrass album is fantastic.

“蓝天堂第二代线材是极妙的一款线材”。Blue Heaven Rev2 is a fantastic cable.

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我生活是忙碌和奇妙的。My schoool life is busy and fantastic.

机智灵活和奇异风格,泰华!Quick wit and fantastic style, Taehwa!

爱尔兰歌迷会看到一场精彩的表演。The Irish can expect a fantastic show.