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这构成女作家一生的悲喜剧。This constituted her life tragicomedy.

在许多地区,这一悲喜剧不断上演。In many areas, this tragicomedy staged continuously.

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种族,阶级和举止非凡的悲喜剧。The extraordinary tragicomedy of race, class and manners.

那些生活可以用这句话来概括——一部悲喜交加的戏剧。Life over all could be described in those terms—as a tragicomedy.

时间编织了许多的故事,上演了无数的悲喜剧。A lot of time to weave the story of the tragicomedy staged numerous.

中西悲喜剧的兴衰,与社会价值的变化直接相关。The development of tragicomedy corresponds to the change of social value.

看看这一幕幕跨国婚恋的悲喜剧,我们又会得到什么样的启示呢?Look at this marriage of multinational, we will get tragicomedy what kind of?

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上周,中国概念股在纳斯达克上演了一出“悲喜剧”。Last week, the China concept stocks in the Nasdaq staged a " Tragicomedy . " U.

与此同时,唐朝皇宫望仙台上,也上演着一幕悲喜剧。At the same time, another tragicomedy is played in the Imperial Palace of Tand Dynasty.

他们都采用悲喜剧交融的形式来构建自身小说的审美品格。They use the tragicomedy in the form of integration to build its own aesthetic character of the novel.

于是,轰轰烈烈的爱情悲喜剧上演了。和家人争吵,绝食,该做的差不多都试了一遍。Then, with vigour and vitality love tragicomedy staged. And family quarrels, fasting, to do almost all try again.

布兰奇就像可怜的唐吉诃德,为了她那个“温柔”而又“温情”的浪漫世界的梦想而绝望地抗争着,这是一出“悲喜剧”。Blanche fighting desperately just like the poor don quixote clings to her dream of a "soft"tenderer" romantic world in this tragicomedy.

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本文认为古典悲喜剧的结构为“喜—悲—喜”,符合这个结构模式的古典戏曲作品都是悲喜剧。The author of this paper believes that the structure of classical tragicomedy is "happy-sad-happy". The classical drama according with this structure is a tragicomedy.

而那边,与之相对应的是一场每日上演的购房悲喜剧,忐忑、失望、恐慌、盲目、愤怒、谩骂,并以急火攻心,失望告终。And the side, Corresponding to this is a daily staged purchase tragicomedy , writers, disappointment, panic, blind, anger, criticism, and an attack with fire in mind, at the end.

因为文化的差别的婚姻不雅念,以及成家的目标各有分歧,在婚姻中演绎了一幕幕悲喜剧,跨国婚姻并不像本人们想像的那么浪漫,那么甘美。Due to the differences of culture, and the marriage of a different purpose in marriage, the curtain, cross-border marriage doesn't like tragicomedy we think so romantic, so sweet.

本文认为古典悲喜剧的结构为“喜—悲—喜”,符合这个结构模式的古典戏曲作品都是悲喜剧。It brought about the confusion in the classification of Chinese classical drama. The author of this paper believes that the structure of classical tragicomedy is "happy-sad-happy".

而且,在世界剧坛上也占有独特的位置,与古希腊悲喜剧、印度梵剧并称为世界三大古剧。Honored as one of three ancient play styles together with tragicomedy in ancient Greece and the Indian opera, classic Chinese opera is of great significance in the world theater community.

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在廷代尔的躲藏能力——确切地说是他荷兰、德国和英国朋友的智慧——与英格兰思想警察的较量中,发生了很多悲喜剧。There was much tragicomedy in the contest between England’s thought police on one hand, and the evasive powers of Tyndale, or rather his canny Dutch, German and English friends, on the other.

这位来自纽约Schenectady剧院戏剧导演搬到了麦哈顿,怀揣着一个巨大的想法,那就是上演一出与整个纽约市一样大小的现实戏剧。It's an epic tragicomedy about Caden Cotard, a Schenectady, N. Y. , theater director who moves to Manhattan with the gigantic notion of putting on a realistic drama as big as all New York City.

此外,杨亚洲的影视剧多采用笑中有泪的悲喜剧模式,悲剧性与喜剧性达到高度统一,具有很高的审美价值。Besides, majority of Yang Yazhou's movie and TV play works adopt tragicomedy mode of smile with tears. They have very high aesthetic value with colour of tragedy and of comedy to the same extent.