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诚信是我国公民道德教育的基本内容。Creditability is the fundamental content in Chinese citizens' ethical education.

但是,随着时间的推移,当失言的暴露,我们失去了信誉受损更多。But when indiscretions are exposed over time, we lose more in compromised creditability.

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根据仿真结果,分析了仿真系统的可信性。In the light of simulation results, the creditability of the sedation system is analyzed.

根据仿真结果,分析了仿真系统的可信性。In the light of simulation results, the creditability of the simulation system is analyzed.

也引申出命题逻辑定理证明的一个可信性问题。Furthermore, it presents a creditability problem about theorem proof in propositional logic.

可信性与实时性是“人在回路”仿真系统研究的核心内容。Creditability and real-time capability is the bottleneck problems for "man-in-the-loop" simulator.

基于可信性理论对标准-3拦截弹末段修正能力进行分析。The analysis of the terminal divert ability of SM3 is put forward based on the creditability theory.

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通过对某型火箭炮武器系统试验的可信性分析,对类似武器系统的试验设计及试验具有一定的借鉴作用。By creditability analysis of this weapon system, it can be used for reference to the test design of similar wea.

我喜欢中外对话,但是我确实觉得只有高质量的文章才能提高网站的可信性和声誉。I like Chinadialog but I do feel high-quality articles will improve the creditability and reputation of the site.

借款人归还本资信证明书正本后可以提前偿还全部或部分贷款。The borrower may, after return the original certificate of creditability back, prepay all or any part of the loan.

通过有效性向量、可信性矩阵和品质因素向量计算得出结果。The evaluated result was calculated and educed the by validity vector creditability matrix and quality factor vector.

普通话水平测试是典型的主观性语言测试,因而测试信度的保证是个难点。The Putonghua level test is a typically subjective language test which is difficult to guarantee the creditability of the test.

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博益磁材始终以“质量、诚信“为宗旨,竭诚为客户提供优质的产品及服务。Poyee always stick to an objective of "Quality and Creditability" to supply products and services of fine quality for every user.

但是,匆忙宣布,然后又撤回成命,对政府机构的信誉是有影响的。However, by announcing the scheme in a hurry and then withdrawing it soon afterwards, it has done harm to the government's creditability.

提出了一种基于信息似然比的计算验前信息可信度的新方法。A new method of calculating a prior information creditability is especially presented by using the concept of information likelihood rate.

对衍生金融工具进行审计,对于发现和防范企业的金融风险、提高财务报告的可信性具有重大意义。Audit the derivative financial instrument not only discovers risk of corporation, but also advances the creditability of financial report.

在“贝叶斯均衡”的约束下,上市公司利润分配的中心问题仍然是可信性问题。Being restricted by the "Bayes Equilibrium", the center question of the listed company profits dividend, is still the creditability question.

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并且通过车辆行驶平顺性道路试验证实了理论分析的正确性和计算机仿真的科学性和可信性。The vehicle riding test shows that correctness of theory analysis and the characteristic of science and creditability of computer simulation.

引入协同效应函数,不仅提高了回归方程的可信度,而且能反映协同效应的形成规律。Synergetic effect function is introduced to improve the creditability of regression equations and to express the law in synergetic effect formation.

文中给出了其方法、理论基础、可信性分析和最终的实际匹配结果。Implementation and theory foundation of the method, as well as the creditability analysis and natural image matching results are provided in the paper.