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但这种说法是靠不住的。But it's unreliable.

凯斯特灯浮不可靠。Caister Light buoy unreliable.

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中国的公开数据是不可靠的。China's public data are unreliable.

他说谎,大吹牛皮,他靠不住。He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable.

第三,防倒工艺不可靠。Third, the anti-down unreliable process.

软件肯定是不可靠的。Software is deterministically unreliable.

为什么总是说这些口是心非的话?Why always say these unreliable of words?

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这里的邮政服务很不可靠。The postal service here is very unreliable.

把优势建筑在权力上是靠不住的。A leading role built on power is unreliable.

我受够我那台又老又不可靠的车子了。I was fed up with my old and unreliable car.

这是那些不可靠的流言所说的两倍。That’s twice what the unreliable rumor says.

但这些方法都太慢,而且并不可靠。But these methods can be slow and unreliable.

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不过他们表示,最主要的原因是因为她不值得信赖。But they say the main reason is that she was unreliable.

你怎能信任一个你觉得不可靠的人呢?How can you trust a man you binned for being unreliable?

我觉得面部识别功能不太靠谱。I found the facial-recognition feature to be unreliable.

尿检做出的结论也是不可靠的。And urine-based tests appeared to be unreliable altogether.

不守约的人被认为是不可信赖的。People who don't keep appointments are considered unreliable.

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它把在线广告视为不可靠的收益来源。It sees online advertising as an unreliable source of revenue.

但过渡时期的预测根本不可靠。But forecasts at times of transition are inherently unreliable.

这台洗衣机不仅贵而且性能不稳定。This washing machine was not only expensive but also unreliable.