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田纳西大学。学者工作站项目。University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Scholar's Workstation Project.

最诺克斯维尔按揭公司应该给你你想要的服务。Most Knoxville Mortgage Companies should give you the service you want.

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与此同时,并未在另一个城市诺克斯威尔进行该活动,这是为了便于对结果进行分析比对。Meanwhile, the campaign was not aired in Knoxville. This resulted in a comparison analysis.

竞争,对20多个歌曲包括隐喻,道奇城,威廉姆斯格罗夫和世界知名诺克斯维尔滚。Compete on over 20 tracks including Eldora, Dodge City, Williams Grove and world-famous Knoxville Raceway.

但直到1982年美国诺克斯维尔世博会是中国向世界展示返回赛道。It was not until the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition that China returned to the World Exhibition circuit.

这个名单是不全面的含义,有更多值得诺克斯维尔按揭公司了解。This list is not comprehensive meaning that there are additional Knoxville Mortgage Companies worth finding out about.

在我很小的时候,我去往田纳西州的诺克斯维尔看望我的祖母,当时我就惊叹于自然赋予人类的这份礼物,太神奇了!When I was very young, I would visit my grandmother in Knoxville Tennessee and wonder at all of the gifts nature had bestowed on us.

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莫里森市美国田纳西州东北部-城市,位于诺克思维尔东北偏东方。建立1783年,是一个制造和加工中心。人口21,385。A city of northeast Tennessee east-northeast of Knoxville . Settled in1783, it is a manufacturing and processing center. Population, 21, 385.

“你别管了,”她说着,双目凝视远方,望着那诺克斯维尔国际能源展览会的巨型摩天轮。"Don't matter, " She said, and stared off at the giant Ferris wheel of what is formally called the Knoxville International Energy Exposition.

“他们正在开枪打自己的脚。”田纳西大学营养学系主任麦克·泽莫尔博士说。"They're shooting themselves in the foot, " says Michael B. Zemel, Ph. D. , director of the University of Tennessee's Nutrition Institule, in Knoxville.

后来,舒特站在诺克斯维尔的仓库里,在冒着气泡的鱼缸间说起他曾见识过比艾布拉姆斯溪境况更糟糕的地区,以及在那之后仍旧保持乐观态度的原因。Later, standing among burbling aquariums in the Knoxville warehouse, Shute talked about how he had seen much worse places than Abrams Creek and about why he remains optimistic nonetheless.

但沿途亦有意外惊喜,我们刚巧遇上的诺克斯维尔举行的世界博览会,甚至有幸目睹第一艘太空船在卡那维尔角发射升空,我永不会忘记这个奇遇。But there were also surprises. We stumbled onto the world's fair in knoxville and even saw one of the first space shuttles take off from cape canaveral. I will never forget that wonderful adventure.