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操厅也不大。Parade Office did not.

游行队伍的末尾是一个乐队。A band ended the parade.

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他住在伦敦北街。He lives in North Parade.

该团正接受检阅。The regiment is on parade.

这里会有大型的阅兵式。There will be a big parade.

游行队伍没完没了地缓慢前进。The parade dragged by endlessly.

她喜欢展示她所有的皮衣服。She loves to parade all her furs.

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有些小男孩儿紧紧跟在游行队伍后面。Some boys tailed after the parade.

马克又在卖弄学问了。Mark is parade his knowledge again.

巴黎工人将在五一劳动节举行游行。Paris workers will parade on May Day.

士兵们排成单行进入阅兵场。The men filed onto the parade ground.

游行队伍沿着公路阔步前进。The parade stalked along the highway.

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他们会赞杨你一番的。They'll throw a parade in your honor.

欢迎火炬的市民人山人海。Huge crowds welcomed the torch parade.

我太小,不知道什么是大阅兵。I was too young to know what parade is.

国庆大阅兵不会对任何国家构成威胁。Parade display of might 'not a threat'.

军队在阅兵场排队。The troops drew up on the parade ground.

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部队排成阅兵队形。The troops lined up in parade formation.

她为参加复活节游行精心打扮一番。She was dressed up for the Easter parade.

当时就职典礼正在举行。The inaugurate parade was still going on.