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人会虐待植物吗?Does man maltreat plants?

什么是虐待动物?How does man maltreat animals?

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莫再“心罚”孩子!Never to maltreat children again!

我讨厌你像这样虐待我。I hate it when you maltreat me like this!

只有非常卑鄙的人才虐待儿童。Only very mean persons maltreat children.

亏待什么,也别亏待了自己。Maltreat what, don't also maltreat oneself.

严禁对罪犯施加酷刑、侮辱和打骂虐待。It is strictly forbidden to torture, insult or otherwise maltreat prisoners.

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等我找到这对狗男女,你看我怎么凌虐他们两个。Wait for me to find these man and woman to the dog, you see how i maltreat them.

禁止歧视、侮辱、虐待、遗弃精神疾病患者。It is forbidden to discriminate against, insult, maltreat or desert mental patients.

匈奴方面并没有虐待中原人,更没有杀戮中原人口以为殉葬牺牲。The Xiongnu people didn't maltreat Zhongyuan people, let alone killed them for sacrifice.

禁止对残疾人实施家庭暴力,禁止虐待、遗弃残疾人。It shall be prohibited to commit domestic violence against, maltreat or abandon a disabled person.

人活在这个世界上,就不要亏待了自己,所以我常用随遇而安来提醒自己。People living in this world, don't maltreat yourself, so I make the commonly used to jog his memory.

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更糟糕的是,极少数学生因为个人原因虐待学生,这震惊了全社会,也让很多家长忧心忡忡。Even worse, a very few teachers maltreat students because of personal reasons. It shocks the whole society and worries many parents.

如果父母亲虐待他们的小孩的话,或者有时候小孩不能再和父母亲生活在一起,而被送往社会服务机构。Or sometimes the children will be separated from being with their parents and put in a social service, if the parents maltreat them.

这一直是个幻想,并希望六月不会瘐要么我有很多朋友来自各个过去来访的地方!This has been a fantastic month and wish June wouldn't maltreat me either with lots of friends coming from all over the place visiting!

思想警察们用最先进的刑罚手段,肉体的、精神的和心理的,在无尽的肉体和精神凌虐之后,让他的“人格”全面崩溃。The though police makes his personality in total collapse after limitless body and spiritual maltreat with the most advanced criminal means.

因此请从自我作起,尽其所能的帮助她们安置她们,但不要鄙视她们,更不要虐待她们!Therefore pleases make from the ego to rise, exhausted its a help for can they settle them, but do not despise them, even do not maltreat them!

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中国政府反对将劳动作为惩罚罪犯的手段,反对用繁重的劳动折磨、虐待罪犯。The Chinese Government opposes the use of labour as a means of punishing criminals, as well as the use of heavy labour as a means to maltreat prisoners.

我们都说学生是祖国的未来,但现在关于校园安全事件的报道却比以前多了许多,诸如杀人、伤害或虐待之类的。We all say that students are the future of our country, but there are much more reports about campus safety than before, such as killing, injury or maltreat and so on.

他们向美国制度本身开火,把美国描述为道德侏儒,希望通过颠覆人与人之问普遍存在的施虐心理来让下层民众获得尊严。They attack American institution fiercely and portray it as morally defective. They believe that the working class can acquire dignity by eliminating the psychology of maltreat.