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你是一流人才。You are a ace.

埃斯给她点着烟。Ace lighted it for her.

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“我在家呢!”埃斯喊道。I’m home , “ Ace called.

我就知道你会考得好。I knew you'd ace your test.

金正日是出了名的“不会笑”。Mr Kim is an ace non-smiler.

仙道彰是陵南的王牌。Akira Sendoh is Ryonan's ace.

汤姆备有锦囊妙计胸有成竹。Tom had an ace up his sleeve.

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这东西才一块钱一个,买两个吧。It only costs an ace. Buy two.

好啊,要知道,我可是个蹦迪高手。Great. You know, I'm an ace of disco.

他还待向段延庆追去。Still he wanted to go after Ace Duan.

这些存在于你们称为空间的媒质中。These exist in a medium you call ace.

我差一点就要喊救命了。I was within an ace of calling for help.

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这地方有一种温暖的俱乐部似的气氛。The pl ace has aw arm, clubby atmosphere.

你的材料将被保留在ACE文件夹内。Your materials will be kept in ACE files.

但是我现在可是一个左边驾驶的高手。By now I was an ace at driving on the left.

你知道他们的新纪录吗?第一流的!Have you heard their new record? It's ace !

这些卫士可以用静默和睡眠对付.The Ace cardians can be Silenced and Slept.

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埃斯说,“今天的报纸上有我的名字。”Ace said , “ My name was in the paper today.

给我介绍一下知行英语吧。Can you give me a brief introduction on ACE?

还有人怀疑王是王牌吗?。Does Anyone Still Doubt That Wang Is an Ace?