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今天的局面是难以预料的。Today’s situation is less predictable.

吃饱的敌人更可预测。Well-fed enemies are more predictable.

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恐惧很有效的扭曲了风险分析。Fear skews risk analysis in predictable ways.

没有主见只会让人感觉你这人既没劲又没什么深度。Doing this just makes you boring and predictable.

传统的开发是不可预言的。Well, traditional development is not predictable.

脑部的反应能够十分准确地预测出来。The responses of the brain can be quite predictable.

它假设阿富汗的前途是可期的,但其实不然。It assumes that Afghanistan is predictable. It is not.

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要产生可预测的代码,应使用互斥对象。To produce predictable code, you'll want to use mutexes.

这并不意味着无趣和可预知性。Consistency. This doesn't mean be boring and predictable.

他心情很坏地想,这些事也是可以预想得到的。And that was also, he thought grumpily, quite predictable.

印刷工作获得更多的可预见的和可计算的。Printing jobs get more predictable and calculable as well.

我们希望一直改变的是可预言的。We expect that which is always changing to be predictable.

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然而,政府是一个难以预测的巨兽。However, the state is far from being a predictable monolith.

美国人的行为方式或多或少还是可以预测的。Theway of Americans often operated was somewhat predictable.

人们更容易被一致的、可预测的图形界面吸引。People are more attracted to consistent and predictable GUIs.

做事谨慎很容易,但是难免枯燥,并且是可预知的。Playing it safe is easy. But it's also boring and predictable.

诉讼费将更注重民众经济能力,更具有可能预见性。The cost of litigation will be more affordable and predictable.

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“高朋的失败完全是可以预测的,”毕肖普说。"It's been a thoroughly predictable train wreck, " Bishop said.

这是一种能够预测且必然发生的自然现象。It is a natural phenomenon that is both predictable and certain.

重音不可按规则预测,必须逐词学习。Stress is not predictable by rule and must be learned word by word.