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阴暗的天空令人感到沉闷。The overcast sky is stifling.

在这个窄狭的房间里面我感到憋闷。I am stifling in this close room.

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在那间闷气的屋子里我感觉都快憋死了。I felt I was stifling in the airless room.

冲进呛人烟雾的是那位绝望的妇女。Into the stifling smoke plunged the desperate woman.

我可以打开窗户吗?房间里空气很闷。Shall I open the window? The room is a little stifling.

但是政府这种大刀阔斧的做法可能会适得其反。But the heavy hand of the government can be stifling here.

剃秃顶发也能让她在埃及使人梗塞的很热衷连结风凉。B shaved head also helped her stay cool in Egypts stifling heat.

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人们走进电影院的时候,空气很快变得很闷。When people walk inside the cinema, it becomes stifling quickly.

城市充斥着神秘恐怖、令人窒息的紧张气氛。The city is full of mysterious horror, stifling nervous atmosphere.

世界银行指责以色列窒息巴勒斯坦的经济。The World Bank is accusing Israel of stifling the Palestinian economy.

海伦住在一间光水泥地面的房子,夏天里面变得闷热。Helen lives in a bare concrete- floored flat that is stifling in summer.

珊瑚白化以后,海草便不受控制的疯长起来。When coral bleaches, seaweed can grow out of control, stifling reef recovery.

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他们为令人窒息的帐篷的消失而欢呼,他们上个春天曾在其中学习。They cheered the absence of the stifling tents in which they studied last spring.

胎心监护显示晚期减速新生儿窒息率高。The fetal heart monitor shows that the stifling rate of late-deceleration is higher.

列车是新的,很干净,而且只比拥挤闷热的老旧巴士贵了一点点。It was new, clean and only pennies more expensive than a cramped and stifling old bus.

拥有将木材热处理杀虫及熏蒸杀虫的配套设施。Kill timber heat treatment the worm and stifling auxiliary facility that killed the worm.

处处干燥,处处烫手,处处憋闷,整个的老城像烧透的砖窑,使人喘不出气。Everywhere was parched and stifling as if the whole ancient city were one lighted brickkiln.

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一等舱太贵,二等舱太闷,三等舱在近舵处。The first-class cabins are too expensive, second class is stifling and third is in steerage.

水利部门的保护主义不仅不能满足中国的利益需要,而且还严重地阻碍的创新。Far from serving China's interests, protectionism in the water sector is stifling innovation.

有一年夏天,曹操带领军队去打仗,天气热得让人不能呼吸。One year in the summer, Cao Cao led his troops to war. It was so hot and the heat was stifling.