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我可能可以坚持。Perhaps I could insist someway.

以某种方法告诉我吧,女孩,说你需要我。Someway let me know, you want me girl.

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告诉我吧女孩,以某种方式,说你需要我。Someway let me know, you want me girl.

有什么方法可以让我为此对你进行回报?Is there someway I can repay you for this?

也许我们能想出什么办法,仍然可以起野餐。Maybe we can figure out someway to have the picnic.

在这个世上至少有15个人以某种方式爱着你。At least 15 people in this world love you in someway.

如果你试著融入在场上的所有人。If you try to incorporate everyone in the field in someway.

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应该好歹来管理不同的大小和颜色相同的物品来。There should be someway to manage same items coming in different sizes and colors.

总该有一些人或方法,来阻止“在非洲或任何其他土地上的掠夺”。There has to be someone or someway who could stop "THIS Land Grabbing" IN Africa or any other.

李强觉得自己很白痴,好歹也是大学毕业,获得学士学位的人,怎么会听不明白傅山的话。Li Qiang feel very idiot, someway also university graduates, obtain the degree, how would not understand the Fu Shan.

汪汪为这事伤透脑筋。他得想点法子,不让小翠把找到金子的事情给说出去。终于,他想出了一个计划。Tomas was worried. He had to discover someway to keep Tusya from telling of the gold. And at last he worked out a plan.

主页是基于Ajax所以有些时候它不会加载正确显示最新的项目,所以删除AJAX或更正好歹。Home page is Ajax based so some times it does not load properly showing latest projects, so remove AJAX or correct it someway.

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除了他们惊人相似的头发,他们的眼睛也很像。这也在某种程度上能够解释为什么托弗尔称罗森伯格为“儿子”。Apart from their strikingly similar hair the pair also have matching eyes which goes someway in explaining why Topher calls Rosenberg his son.

在实现改变的过程中,如果你能试探别人的对此的想法,特别是他们能以某种方式帮助你实现改变,那就太好了。When implementing a change it’s great if you’re able to bounce ideas off other people, particularly if they can help you implement that change in someway.

我认为人们没能意识到,由于我们总是喜欢具有创造性的梦想,所以有这种想法的人就是梦想家,在某种程度上它总算发生了。I don't think people realise that because we always like to have the creative dream that it's the visionary who has this idea and it somehow, someway happens.

然而他们长辈会强迫他们画在线条之内,结果不知道是好是坏,一个一生的习惯就建立起来了。I have watched many painters work from life, and I have rarely come across one who did not need someway to visualize his or her artistic idea as a line drawing before starting.

这意味着,即使某些天你忙着作其他事,很累,或者某些不可预期的事占据了你的时间,你都要想办法来作这些能达成目标的事。That means even on days when you are busy with other things, tired, or when unexpected things fill your time, you need to find someway to do something that helps you move forward.