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玛格利特我不认为这是疯狂的。Margaret I deny it's madness.

她的名字是玛格丽特•海岭。Her name was Margaret Herring.

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在紫宸刚到美国时,这位女士就把紫宸当作朋友,她的名字叫玛格丽特。Margaret was the woman’s name.

艾莉森,玛丽,李和玛格丽特。Alison, Marlee, Lee and Margaret.

这两本书都是玛格莉特·怀兹·布朗撰写的。Both are books by Margaret Wise Brown.

她选择了玛格丽特来写她的故事。Vida chooses Margaret to tell her story.

我认为你的朋友玛格莉特很聪明。I think your friend Margaret is very smart.

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比尔和玛格丽特并列第一名。Bill tied with Margaret for the first place.

你让亲爱的玛格丽特自作自受去吧。You let dear margaret stew in her own juice.

格兰奇和玛格丽特是第一代人。Grange and Margaret are the first generation.

玛格丽特回来不久,这孩子就呕吐了。Soon after Margaret returned, the child vomited.

之后,玛格丽特和我去听一场毛利音乐会。After that, Margaret and I headed to a Maori concert.

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同年,平卡斯经介绍认识了玛格丽特·桑格。That same year, he was introduced to Margaret Sanger.

玛格丽特和杰勒德彼此畏怯地望了一眼。Margaret and Gerard cast a scared look at one another.

派翠克玛格利特病的很重而且她有一个不好的心脏。Margaret Patrick was very sick and she had a bad heart.

玛格丽特和马修都没有最要好的朋友。Neither Margaret nor Matthew has ever had a best friend.

她是想说她全名是莉莲·玛格丽特·史密斯。She meant that her full name was Lillian Margaret Smith.

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在法国作家当中,我觉得他还不如马格丽特?杜拉斯。In the French writer, I think he might as Margaret? Duras.

玛格里特这几天在我们家发号施令。Margaret is calling the shots around our house these days.

玛格丽特·撒切尔于1979-1990年任英国首相。Margaret Thatcher was British prime minister from 1979-1990.