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请给我斟一满杯。Please fill me a bumper.

我喜欢去开碰碰车。I like to drive bumper cars.

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丰收在望。A bumper harvest is in sight.

丰收有望。There is hope of a bumper harvest.

主人给怀特先生斟了一满杯。The host filled Mr. White a bumper.

断开丰收,从束线。Disconnect Bumper from wire harness.

将仪表板安装在保险杆组合上。Install fascia onto bumper assembly.

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将末端端盖和保险杆分隔开。Separate the end cap from the bumper.

我们今天玩了两次碰碰车。We played the bumper car twice today.

保险杠上常吊着一些锡质的罐头瓶。Tin cans are often tied to the bumper.

各种迹象表明丰收在望。Indications point toward a bumper crop.

车辆撞击缓冲垫,用铁膨胀螺栓固定。Bumper is anchorites by iron expansion bolt.

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我车的保险杆看上去好像要掉下来似的。My bumper looks like it’s about to fall off.

从保险杆分离反射镜。Separate the reflector from the rear bumper.

你能将保险杠上的凹处修理好吗?Can you straighten out the dent in the bumper?

我车的保险杆看上去好像要掉下来似的。The bumper looks like falling off from my car.

今天早上的交通非常拥挤,汽车大排长龙。The traffic was bumper to bumper this morning.

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我车的保险杆看上去好像要掉下来似的。It is bumper of my car looks like dropping off.

上一个财年真是约翰•哈姆格伦的丰收年。THIS has been a bumper year for John Hammergren.

秋天,是一个五谷丰登、硕果累累的季节。Fall, is a bumper grain harvest, fruitful season.