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史诗是一种古典的,无宗教信仰的形式。The epic form is a classical, pagan form.

邓娜是一位异教徒国王的女儿,并且还是处子之身。Dymphna was a virgin daughter of a pagan king.

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而事实上,最初的复活节是异教徒的节日。In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival.

而事实上,最初的复活节是异教徒的节日。In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival.

这是非基督教所改制的黄道十二宫的十字架。It is a Pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac.

考夫曼认为,异教祭仪,是一个仪式系统。The pagan cult, Kaufman claims, is a system of rites.

谢肉节是东正教的节日,庆祝冬天的结束。Maslenitsa is a pagan holiday marking the end of winter.

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考夫曼宣称,神话是异教的基础。Kaufman asserts that mythology is basic to pagan religions.

基督教将古代异教徒世界的统一性打得粉碎。Christianity shattered the unity of the ancient, pagan world.

目前我正在研究奥秘中古老的异教信仰。Currently I am studying the older, pagan religions of Arcanum.

现在异教徒的上帝已经变成一个“圣婴“It's now the pagan deities who have turned into "infant" gods.

或者仅仅是某种没有恶意的古代异教遗俗?Or is it just a harmless vestige of some ancient pagan ritual?

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建筑物落成典礼仪式的起源可以追溯到异教徒时代。The origins of the topping out ceremony go back to pagan times.

这个传统更多地来源于异教节日——五朔节。Much of this tradition derives from the pagan festival of Beltane.

他们多次被异教庙宇崇拜的那些耽于声色的仪式所引诱。Many times they were enticed by the fleshly forms of pagan temple worship.

这些在多神崇拜和异教行为中很常见。These are things that are very common in polytheistic and pagan practices.

像我们之前已经看到的,他把基督人物和异教徒人物交织起来。As we've already seen, he interweaves Christian figures with pagan figures.

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早在异教徒的时代,树就被视为是永生不朽的神圣象征。Back in pagan times, trees were considered as sacred symbol of immortality.

他们也敬拜耶和华,但他们也允许异教徒和拜偶像。They also worshiped Jehovah, but also they allowed pagan beliefs and idols.

在德国,中冬时节人们尊崇非基督教神奥登。In Germany, people honored the pagan god Oden during the mid-winter holiday.