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你超重了吗?Are you overweight?

你想重仓投入黄金?Want to overweight gold?

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我的体重也超标了。And also I'm very overweight.

何谓体重过重和肥胖症?What is overweight and obesity?

什么是超重和肥胖?What are overweight and obesity?

为什么我们中的许多人会超重?Why are so many of us overweight?

我那时候没工作,体重超标,皮肤糟糕,就像是吐在粪堆上的死人一般。I was overweight. My skin was bad.

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我朋友比以前长胖了一点点。My friend is a littler overweight.

不要孤立你的超重的孩子。Do not single out your overweight child.

我超重,很不协调。I was overweight and pretty uncoordinated.

超重了,您得另付超重费。It's overweight. You'II have to pay extra.

藏衣服的箱箧。你的衣箱超重五公斤。Your suitcase is five kilograms overweight.

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超重了,您得另付超重费。It 's overweight. you 'll have to pay extra.

过度的超重或体重过轻。Being substantially overweight or underweight.

现在似乎有许多人的体重都过重。It seems that many people today are overweight.

有点儿超重了,您得付超重费。It's a little overweight. You have to pay extra.

与食肉者相比,素食者较少超重。Fewer vegetarians than meat-eaters are overweight.

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你们会在学期末,严重超重的。You'll be badly overweight by the end of the term.

哲学家往往偏重于否定态度。Philosophers sometimes overweight their negativism.

许多胖女孩都有这样的经历。This experience is shared by many overweight girls.