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骚货,我们回去上课吧。Hooker . Let's go back to class.

您看,我们今天仍然使用着hooker这个单词。Well, we still have the word hooker.

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渔船绞机歌唱锚链缓缓降。The songs at the capstan at the hooker warping out.


这样的互动变成他和流莺之间每天会生的例行公事。This ritual between him and the hooker became a daily occurrence.

胡克让一半人马留在佛雷德里克斯堡,也就是李部队的前锋位置。Hooker left half his men at Fredericksburg, in front of Lee's army.

每天他都会慢跑经过一个站在相同街角的流莺。Every day, he'd jog past a hooker standing on the same street corner.

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这就意味着李将只有1万4千人来对付胡克将军。This meant Lee would have only fourteen thousand men to face General Hooker.

像达尔文的航行一样,胡克在1843年回家的路上造访了阿森松。Mirroring Darwin's voyage, Hooker called in on Ascension on the way home in 1843.

可像霍先生般用公司的信用卡支付召妓的费用。Like the time that Mr. Flournoy used the company MasterCard to pay for that hooker.

胡克再次跑回了约翰逊和迪丹吉掩体。Hooker again, managed to make his way toward the bunker, where Johnson and Dingee were.

我无法理解这种变相的站街鞋子是怎么会走进时尚的主流的。How a shoe veering on high-street hooker ever entered the fashion mainstream is beyond me.

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在达尔文鼓动下,1847年胡克建议皇家海军立即实施一项精心设计的计划。Egged on by Darwin, in 1847 Hooker advised the Royal Navy to set in motion an elaborate plan.

敌人刚刚走远,他们两个马上就开始查看胡克,他还活着!As soon as the enemy soldiers were far enough away, the two checked on Hooker. He was still alive!

胡克将军不想再犯伯恩赛德在弗雷德里克斯堡所犯的错误。General Hooker did not plan to make the same mistake which General Burnside made at Fredericksburg.

我的两个朋友已经将他们合作写的论文上交给科学小组了。My friends Charles Lyell and Joseph Hooker had studies by both men presented to the scientific group.

胡克将军已经重整了波拖里克河的军队。现在,他已经准备实施针对李将军的计划了。General Hooker had rebuilt the Army of the Potomac. Now he was ready to carry out his plan against General Lee.

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实际上,达尔文,胡克和皇家海军所取得的成就也就是世界上首次“移居”实验。In effect, what Darwin, Hooker and the Royal Navy achieved was the world's first experiment in "terra-forming".

19世纪20年代,威尔逊山的胡克望远镜拍摄的照片彻底改变了我们对宇宙的了解。In the 1920s, pictures from the Hooker Telescope on Mt. Wilson fundamentally changed our understanding of the cosmos.

然而就在当天,李将军获悉联邦军队此时正在弗里德里克,而且米德将军已经接替胡克,担任北军统帅。However, Lee learned on this day that the Federal army was at Frederick, and that Hooker had been replaced by General Meade.