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那是非常直观的That's intuitively clear.

那种兴趣出自她的直觉。It comes very intuitively to her

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他们凭直觉建立起自己的惯习。They've built their rituals intuitively.

可以将数据槽直观地映射到目录。Slots can intuitively map to a directory.

乍一想这有点难以接受。Now probably this is hard to accept intuitively.

这种算法的正确性是很显然的。The correctness of this algorithm is intuitively clear.

只凭直觉,这会是一个什么样的问题呢?So, what is it sound like is the problem intuitively here?

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我仅仅是说我们直观地了解协作。I simply mean that we intuitively understand collaboration.

大师凭直觉知道,激情就是道路。April 3The Master knows intuitively that passion is the path.

我们可能会通过直觉分辨,但是我们能不能清晰地道出原因呢We sort of all know this intuitively but can we articulate why?

这是很显然的,但是我还是要先证明一下It's intuitively clear, but I will just prove it beyond any doubt.

他还发现原子核,的电荷是正的。This makes sense intuitively as well, Ze because z is just the atomic number.

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利用超声波对钻成孔进行检测,可以直观地给出钻孔的垂直度、孔径等参数。The image of drilling hole can be intuitively given by using ultrasonic detection.

系统能够提供3D实时仿真,直观地显示路径规划过程。The real-time 3D simulation system visualizes the path planning process intuitively.

仿真时通过实时日志的查询,可以直观地看出节点的变化和数据发送情况。We can see the nodes change and da- ta transmission intuitively through real- time log.

具有普通智商的人是否可以直观地使用这种敲打序列?Does the average human mind have the capability to intuitively work with knock sequences?

可视性允许我们一见到某事物就直截了当地知道如何与其交互。Affordance allows us to look at something and intuitively understand how to interact with it.

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然而,当概率为无理数时,对于抽奖就难以给出直观的解释,J。But when the probability p is irrational, it is hard to interpret the lottery intuitively. J.

因为他们心领神会,谈话时只需简短的句子和言词。Twins intuitively understand each other and use shortened sentences and words when they talk.

然而,过去研究中,皆是直觉地设计此倒次方人造力之系数。However, the coefficients of the inverse power force are designed intuitively in previous research.