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被帆船或是商船遇见。By frigate or by merchantman.

中国皇后号对一个美国商人来说是过大了。The boot was of striking large size for an American merchantman.

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容受命飞助正遭受挪威驱逐舰袭击德运输船。Junkers were ordered northwards to help a German merchantman which were under attack by a Norwegian destroyer.

之后容克受命向北飞行以帮助正遭受挪威驱逐舰袭击的德国运输船。The Junkers were ordered northwards to help a German merchantman which were under attack by a Norwegian destroyer.

由于亚丁湾海域有多个国家的军舰护航和巡逻,武装海盗已选择远离护航海区劫持商船。Because there are many galleys to convoy and patrol in the gulf of Aden, piracy has changed way to hijack merchantman.

在港口我们看到几艘军舰,我们还看到一艘大型商船停靠在这些军舰间。In the harbor we saw several military ships from the navy but we also saw a large merchantman anchored in the middle of them.

幸运的是,瓶子被正在附近的北约舰队所收取,他们那时正在搜救更早之前求救的一位意大利籍批发商。The bottle was retrieved by Nato warships who were nearby after responding to an earlier call for help from the Italian merchantman.

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1717年,他捕获了一艘大型的法兰西商船。In 1717 he captured a large French merchantman ship. He made this a powerful ship by putting forty guns on her and named her the "Queen Anne's Revenge".

帆船早期是运货至南美的商船,1955年起用作俄罗斯海军的练习船只,现时由俄国的水手练习学院拥有。Caique is inchoate it is carry goods the merchantman to South America, reinstate made Russia naval train a ship 1955, uptodate by Russian jack-tar training institute is had.

目前全球游艇和水上运动器具的年销售额已经接近400亿美元,超过了商船和远洋轮的年销售额。Global houseboat and year of sale with implemental aquatic sports are already at present adjacent 40 billion dollar, exceeded merchantman is mixed year of sale of ocean annulus.

球员单位进驻一个多用途船是伪装为茶商,让旅行无拘无束的海洋获取其力量的行动领域。The players units are stationed on a multi purpose ship which is camouflaged as a merchantman to allow unrestrained travel of the seas to get their forces to the area of operation.

其次,中小企业自身在国内与外商开展合资合作、出口和对外直接投资时可采取相应的策略。Thirdly, small business should work out the tactics when they make a joint venture or a cooperation company with the foreign merchantman at home, export, or make a direct investment overseas.

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球员单位进驻一个多用途船,伪装成一个商船,让旅行无拘无束的海洋,让自己的部队的行动范围。事情就是这么简单。The players units are stationed on a multi purpose ship which is camouflaged as a merchantman to allow unrestrained travel of the seas to get their forces to the area of operation. It's that simple.