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美洲狮是一种猫科动物。Puma is a kind of catlike animals.

他的脚落地的动作像猫一样。His landing on his feet was catlike.

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那是一双硕大的,黄色的像猫一样的眼睛。They are large, yellow, and catlike.

你有像猫的反应来成为赢家吗?Do you have the catlike reflexes to win?

动作轻松,象猫一样优美。Movement showing an easy catlike gracefulness.

东半球温暖地区的象猫的小型食肉哺乳动物。Small catlike predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World.

另一只大猫出现在船尾,发出了一声愤怒的长啸。A second appeared at the stern, and let out a scream of pure catlike anger.

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起初,科学家们发现,在东南亚像猫掌果子狸病毒。At first scientists found the virus in the catlike palm civet of Southeast Asia.

足爪类似猫足,脚趾圆拱,紧凑,脚垫厚实。Feet are catlike with well-arched toes fitting tightly together . Pads are thick.

然后,格罗斯以闪电般的速度,出其不意地一把抓住来复枪管,顺势将枪拖开。Then, moving with catlike speed, Gross seized the rifle barrel and pulled it away.

“魔力?真的么?”他问道,眼神游离着,看着我。那是一双硕大的,黄色的像猫一样的眼睛。“Magic? Seriously?” he asks, eyes wide, meeting mine. They are large, yellow, and catlike.

母亲表示出十分的厌恶,她却报以母亲猫一样的微笑。Mother gave it an extremely loathing look, but the baby returned her look with a catlike smile.

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脚大部分都隐藏着,但可看到它的趾弓,我由此敢推定它的脚更象猫爪。Feet are mostly hidden, but I can see the arch of her toes, so I would deduct her feet are more than likely catlike.

这位骑士队前锋在茂密的长人森林里,快速的移动,精简的动作,这些在他以前的赛季都没看到过。The Cavaliers forward is lean and moves with a catlike quickness that fans haven't seen from him in previous seasons.

我刚将椅子拉近一点,突然,她像猫一样双手本能地朝我的两眼抓去,我差一点被她抓到。As I moved my chair a little nearer suddenly with one catlike movement both her hands clawed instinctively for my eyes and she almost reached them too.

这就是为什么提到狗一般的忠诚时,猫控们会拿来盛赞猫儿的个性,而狗迷们是不会用“猫一般的”词儿去称赞自己的宠物。It’s why cat people compliment their cat’s personality when they say it’s doglike but a dog owner would never flatter their dog by calling him catlike.

香猫,麝香猫非洲和亚洲的一种属于灵猫科的似猫的食肉哺乳动物,其。Any of various carnivorous catlike mammals of the family Viverridae of Africa and Asia, having anal scent glands that secrete a fluid with a musky odor.

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真正强大的法师们以魔法内施而著称,炼化他们自己身躯的关键构成,进而能容纳无限的能量和拥有迅如闪电的反应。Truly powerful wizards have been known to turn their magic inward, transmuting the very composition of their own bodies for boundless energy and catlike reflexes.

他身上有一种像猫一样的弹力或反弹力,还有一种总处于对看得见及看不见的事物的恐惧之中的人才有的敏锐的警觉。About his body there was a peculiar springiness, or resiliency, almost catlike , and a quick alertness as of one who lived in perpetual fear of things seen and unseen.

具体表演方式是舞狮头的人起步,接下来身后的其他表演者跟随以便同步、连贯和形似。The person performing the lion's head initiates the movements, and then the other performers behind him will follow so that the movements are synchronized, smooth and look catlike.